Reunion (Plus Size Loving): BBW Erotic Romance

Reunion (Plus Size Loving): BBW Erotic Romance Read Online Free PDF

Book: Reunion (Plus Size Loving): BBW Erotic Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adriana Hunter
dress, feeling the soft mounds rest heavily against his palm. Her
nipples were hard enough that they scraped his skin through the material, and
he was rewarded with a soft moan as he rubbed them. He wanted that dress off so
that he could touch her properly. By the time the limo pulled up to his home,
he was ready to pull it off, to hell with the driver.
mind on one thing, he dragged her up the steps of his home. Four stories of
towering glass and stone mansion rose up so its towers and turrets speared the
starry sky. Inside, past the imposing mahogany and glass door, Melissa stopped
with a gasp to gaze across the foyer. A glittering chandelier hung in the
center of the hall, reflecting the warm glow from the ceiling lights and
bouncing it off the warm oak wood floors. A boldly patterned crimson and gold
rug spread across the floor; leading up to an elegantly curving staircase that
disappeared up through the ceiling and beyond, it seemed, to the very Heavens.
is gorgeous,” she whispered, almost as if she was afraid to speak aloud lest
some mighty being from the sky strike her down.
couldn’t help but smile as he pressed his hand to the small of her back. “I had
it custom built five years ago, when I decided I wanted a place of my own.
Perhaps later I can give you a tour.”
smiled, her eyes still sparkling with wonder. “That would be nice.”
started for the stairs, but he pulled her to a halt. “This way,” he told her,
dragging her to the keypad near the edge of the wall adjacent to the stairwell.
She frowned in confusion as he punched in a code, and then her eyes widened as
a faux panel slid back from the wall, revealing an elevator. With a grin at her
obvious surprise, he pulled her inside.
in a hurry,” he explained, pushing her up against the wall as the doors closed.
Then his mouth was on hers again and she forgot about the house. This time he
wasted not a moment in sliding his hands behind her and tugging the zipper of
her dress down. The fluid material slid down to pool at her feet, and he
flattened his palms against her sides, expecting to meet silky flesh. Instead
he felt lacy material.
a ding, the elevator opened onto the fourth floor, directly into the master
suite. Scott blinked in surprise to find that Melissa wasn’t wearing a simple
bra and panties as he’d expected, but a crimson and black corset with matching
blushed at his obvious scrutiny. “My friend Annie took me shopping yesterday.
She insisted that we should get something… special… in case something more
happened than a few kisses and a glass of wine.”
grinned. “You can tell Annie that I said thank you,” he told her as he pulled
her out of the elevator. She got a brief glimpse of creamy green walls, a
marble fireplace and more wooden flooring before he dragged her to the
California king-sized platform bed dominating the room. In contrast to his
obvious hunger for her, he placed her tenderly, almost reverently on the bed,
nestling her against the black comforter.
so beautiful,” he murmured, stroking a hand along her cheek, and then pulled
back. She sat up to watch him take off his jacket and shirt, exposing his
rippling muscles to the lamplight. His pectorals and abs were well defined from
what could only be hours spent at the gym or playing vigorous sports. She knew
they had been shaped by the latter, and most likely were maintained by the
former. She wouldn’t be surprised if he had a personal gym somewhere inside
this place.
shoes were the next to go—a pair of what looked like Versace loafers,
easily worth a month of her own pay, carelessly tossed aside. She held her
breath when he unfastened his belt and let it drop to the floor along with his
pants, revealing long legs corded with powerful muscle and lightly dusted with
hairs several shades darker than what was on his head. A pair
of silk black boxers were all that remained between her
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