Restoreth My Soul (Psalm 23 Mysteries)

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Book: Restoreth My Soul (Psalm 23 Mysteries) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Debbie Viguié
up at him. His face had hardened. Moments like this really drove home to her how little she knew of the life he had lived before. He had grown up in Israel where the threat of violence hung forever over his head.
    “So, there must be a really important reason he wrote his final word in Hebrew.”
    “Your logic makes sense. I just don’t see what that could be.”
    “Maybe after you’ve translated more we’ll be able to figure that out.”
    “We?” he asked, face softening again as he turned to look at her. “Frankly, I was planning on turning over the recorder to Mark and washing my hands of this mess as soon as I was done.”
    “The man came to you wanting to talk. You can’t tell me that you aren’t even the least little bit curious,” she said.
    “Would it help if I told you I wasn’t?”
    “No, I’d just call you a liar.”
    “Okay, I admit that I am curious. But that’s not enough for me to risk my life or yours any more than I have to.”
    “And I have had a lifetime of being in danger,” she said fervently. “But I really think this is significant, it means something.”
    “You might be right. Tell you what? Let me finish translating all of this,” he said, gesturing around the room, “and then we can talk about what we will or will not do.”
    “Great,” she said. “I’d hate to think of his killer going free if we could do something to catch him.”
    “Believe it or not, I do understand. It’s just that we don’t have to be involved this time and I’d love to keep it that way. Plus, this is one of the busiest times of the year for me and I can’t shirk my responsibilities to chase after phantoms.”
    “Really? This is usually one of the slower times for us.”
    “You don’t have five major holidays all happening in the span of about three weeks.”
    “Five? Five?” she asked incredulously.
    “Yes, five,” he said, sounding suddenly very tired.
    “What are they?”
    “Rosh Hashanah starts in three days and at the culmination of it is Yom Kippur. Less than a week later is Sukkot. Then immediately after that is Shmini Atzeret followed by Simchat Torah. And there’s also a fast, Tzom Gedaliah, in there.”
    Cindy stared at him in amazement. “I confess the only two I’ve even heard of are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and even those I’m fuzzy on what they’re all about.”
    “I’d be happy to tell you all about them, but if I don’t get this done before Rosh Hashanah I’m going to have a big problem.”
    “I’ll take a rain check then,” she said.
    “It’s a deal. Now I have to get back to this. You’re welcome to stay, though, if you don’t mind listening.”
    She smiled. “I’d like that. Who knows, maybe I can figure out why this word was so important to him.”
    “Works for me.”
    He turned back to the wall and began reading into his recorder again. Cindy listened as she continued to look around the room, trying to see if there was anything else that seemed out of place.
    There was nothing, so she finally sat down and continued to listen as Jeremiah read aloud what life had been like for the young man growing up in war torn Germany. He expressed so many emotions, confusion, fear, anger, and then, at the last, hatred.
    His family’s small brewery was taken over by the government, but even though it was the work of Nazis because of the constant programming and propaganda, he blamed the Jews.
    At one point he described beating a Jewish man nearly to death before soldiers took him away to one of the concentration camps. Jeremiah came to a stop and turned off the recorder. She looked at him closely. His face was white and she couldn’t tell what he was feeling, she just knew it was terrible.
    She stood up and crossed over to him and hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder. He jerked and then looked at her, face strained, eyes wide.
    “I’m sorry,” she said. “I can see how painful this is. I know what they did to your people.”
    He looked at her like she
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