Resisting Her Rebel Doc

Resisting Her Rebel Doc Read Online Free PDF

Book: Resisting Her Rebel Doc Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joanna Neil
‘But I think there are things we can do to make it even better for the patients and their families. There are some children—like Sammy, perhaps—who need more than medicine and good nursing care to help them to get well. I want to do what I can to help them feel good about themselves.’
    She sent him an oblique glance. ‘That’s a tall order,’ she murmured, but perhaps if anyone could do it he could. He certainly seemed to have the determination to set things in motion. But then, he’d always had boundless energy and drive, even though he might have used it to the wrong ends years ago when he was a teenager.
    ‘Well, if I’m to be any good at my job, I need to feel I’m making a difference,’ he said. ‘It’s important to me.’
    She studied him thoughtfully. He was an enigma—so focused, so different from the restless, cynical young man she had known before. ‘That must be why you’ve come so far in such a short time. Your career obviously means a lot to you.’
    ‘Yes, it does...very much so. I’ve always aimed at getting as far as I can up the ladder. I try to make all the improvements I can to a place where I work and then move on—at least, that’s how it’s been up to now.’
    So he probably wouldn’t be staying around here once he’d made his mark. She frowned. But this time he’d bought a house and he planned to do it up—would that make a difference to his plans? Probably not. Houses could be sold just as easily as they’d been bought.
    He finished his coffee and then glanced at the watch on his wrist. ‘I must go and look in on another young patient,’ he murmured in a faintly apologetic tone.
    ‘That’s okay. I’ve enjoyed shadowing you, seeing how you work.’
    He looked at her steadily. ‘So, do you think you might want to work with us?’
    She nodded. ‘Yes—but only on a part-time basis to begin with, if that’s possible. I’ll need to be close at hand for my mother when she’s back at home.’
    He smiled. ‘I can arrange that.’
    ‘Good.’ Her phone rang just then, and after listening for a while, she told him, ‘My mother’s in the recovery ward. I need to go and see how she’s doing.’
    ‘Of course.’ He sent her a concerned glance. ‘I hope she’s all right. I know how worried you must be about her.’ He went with her to the door of the recovery ward. ‘Perhaps I’ll see you later on, back at home?’
    ‘I expect so.’ She wasn’t planning ahead, just taking one step at a time. It seemed like the best way to proceed at the moment. ‘Thanks for showing me around, Brodie,’ she said. ‘Your children’s unit is a really wonderful place and everyone involved with it is so dedicated. If children have to be in hospital, I think they’re lucky to be here rather than in any other unit.’
    ‘I’m glad you think so.’ He smiled at her, pressing the buzzer to alert a nurse to release the door lock. ‘It’s been good meeting up with you again, Caitlin.’ Somehow they had ended up standing close together, his arm brushing hers, and her whole body began to tingle in response. She didn’t know how to cope with the strange feelings that suddenly overwhelmed her. It was bewildering, this effect he had on her. She loved Matt. How could she be experiencing these sensations around another man?
    As soon as the door swung open she moved away from him, going into the ward. ‘Thanks for coming with me and showing me the way,’ she murmured, sending him a last, quick glance.
    At last she could breathe more easily... But she hadn’t been the only one to be affected by their momentary closeness to one another; she was sure of it. His awareness was heightened too. She’d seen it in his slight hesitation, the way his glance had lingered on her, and now she felt his gaze burning into her as she walked away from him.
    How was it going to be, having Brodie living nearby? Part of her was apprehensive, worried about how things might turn out. After all, it was one
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