Rescued (Navy SEALS Romance Book 1)

Rescued (Navy SEALS Romance Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Rescued (Navy SEALS Romance Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rachel Hanna
answer, she could find out if where they were was more or less smoky and whether or not there were flames. Maybe she'd need to guide them back to her, though the air was becoming increasingly ugly. Tangible, thick, gray.
    "I'm coming, Monster," she said, and started coughing again. Her eyes watered and this time she stopped just long enough to thoroughly soak her t-shirt with water before pulling it up over her face. First breath she sucked in droplets of water, caught them in her throat and couldn't stop coughing. Her eyes streamed tears. She couldn't see or breathe but she could hear the increasingly frantic dog and the sound of the fire coming closer.
    I have to get out of here!
    She opened her eyes, spat the water out, cleared her throat, put the shirt back over her face, and started to run, following Monster down the creek, splashing in rocks and mud. One foot slipped off a rock that shifted at the wrong minute and pain lanced up into her ankle. She didn't have time to worry about it; the fire was rapidly making its way to them.
    Now they were coming out of the trees, into the willow bushes and scratchy prickly bushes. She had more air above her and more light, felt less oppressively hemmed in, but at the same time the branches snagged her clothes, her back, the leash, the dog, and every bit of exposed skin on her. Swearing, starting to cry without wanting to, she trailed behind the dog, stopping long enough to put on her sunglasses. She felt like her vision was compromised then but her eyes were protected from branches and the tears from the smoke slowed a little.
    The creek, following the natural bend of the mountain and the path that led up it, suddenly rounded an outcropping of rocks and hillside.
    On the other side, she could see the fire. It was still a ways off, but it was at the base of the mountain for sure. It was moving faster than she was. By the time she got there, the way out of the foliage and off the mountain and out of the valleys – all of it would be blocked.
    "Oh, god, Monster." She crouched in the stream next to him for a minute, soaking both of them, wrapping her arms around him. She couldn't think what else to do. If the mountain was going to catch, it would. Two sides were already falling to encroaching flames. If she followed the creek back up, maybe she could go higher, but eventually wouldn't the flames just circle the whole thing or climb up and over from where she'd been? She was rapidly depleting all her energy, which reminded her – she offed the pack and pulled out an energy bar, clamped it still wrapped between her teeth and pulled out a handful of kibble for Monster. He wolfed it, wagged the Tail of Doom, smacked her several times with it which made her give a shaky laugh despite everything. He was drinking water as they went so she had a slug of the bottled water, opened the energy bar, ate half of it and pocketed the rest, then stood. Monster was already pulling hard on the leash, the look in his eyes very clear: Let's go.
    "Hope you know something about what's going to happen that I don't know," she said. And followed him down the creek.

    T hey were within shouting distance of the bottom of the hill when she heard the sound like a million mile an hour wind screaming up at her.
    She'd come all the way down, turning her ankle a couple times more, the pain constant and nagging but not stopping her. Monster was bleeding from a branch that had caught him across the muzzle and they were both covered in mud and soaked through in case that gave them a chance to cross a line of flames that was thin. Even then she knew they'd just be in the burning valley, but she was starting to think anything off the mountain was preferable. Surely the Forest Service Rangers would put out the surrounding valley first and mountain second. Mountain had no where else to go unless it really did continue up and west into a complete range of mountains. She had no idea. She was lousy at maps and when they'd
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