Remember the Stars
Leah with him, and how selfish he was for wanting to keep her there forever.
    With his eyes closed, Remy rocked back and forth in the rocker. The feeling of peace and contentment was so strong. Everything was perfect. The way it should be. His son was in his arms. A tiny bundle of life that belonged to him. Slowly, Remy opened his eyes and looked down. His son was staring curiously at him with a pacifier in his mouth…
    Remy jerked awake so hard he was nearly thrown from the wing chair . An audible gasp escaped his mouth and he sat absolutely still while his heart pounded furiously.
    The dream.
    He often had the same dream. He would be contently rocking his sleeping son in his arms. The baby was always asleep, as if he was locked safely away in some dream state and would never awake because his father had screwed up royally and messed with destiny.
    It wasn’t the only recurring dream that Remy had.
    There was also the dream where he would hear the merry laughter of his wife. When he looked for her, he would catch a brief glimpse of long, dark hair before she vanished and he awoke, usually drenched in sweat, trying to catch his breath.
    To Remy, the meaning of the dreams was obvious. The Fates were tormenting him with visions of what would have been if he hadn’t been so stupid with his life.
    “What’s wrong? You look scared to death.”
    The sound of Leah’s voice brought him back to reality. He ran a rough hand over his face. “Nothing. Just dreaming, that’s all. Go back to sleep.”
    “Dreaming about what?” she asked.
    Did he dare to tell her, or would it make him look weak? The two of them shared a very complex situation with an unknown outcome. Even with the vulnerability in her brown eyes, he still didn’t quite trust she was something of a demon.
    “My son. I was dreaming of holding my son,” he admitted.
    “You have a child?”
    “No, I think the dream is just something the Fates torture me with.” Heat crept up into his face, and he reached back and yanked his red ponytail in response. “You know, showing me what I missed out on, what could have been. It’s stupid, I guess.
    “I don’t think it’s stupid. What’s your son’s name? I mean, your whole family had a nane that starts with R.”
       He absentmindedly tried to twist his grandfather’s wedding band that used to be on his finger, but hollowly remembered it was gone. “Reid, after my grandfather.”
    “That’s really nice.”
    After a period of silence, she spoke. “You know, you were right about something you said to me earlier.”
    “And what could that possibly be? I remember calling you a bitch.” He stared down at his hands, folded on his lap.  “I’m sorry about that.”
    “Well, maybe it was appropriate at the time,” she admitted. “I called you a monster and a malevolent freak, so let’s just call it a wash. But seriously, when you said I probably had a soft touch job while I waited for my soul mate slash millionaire…”
    An unconscious grin crossed his features. “That was true, huh?”
    She rolled onto her back and her eyes focused on the ceiling. “Not a millionaire—just a soul mate, that’s all. The guy I’ve been with the last few years…I realize now he wasn’t my soul mate.
    Somehow the mention of a man in her life bothered him, and he wasn’t sure why. After all, Leah had just dropped—literally—into his life such a short time ago. But there was something about her.
    “This guy must be missing you something fierce.” He said the first thing that came to mind.
    “I don’t know. I did a stupid thing, I guess. But it more or less proved what I was thinking.”
    “You remember what happened to you?”
    “What I did to get here? No. I remember that I gave Logan an ultimatum—propose marriage before my birthday or we were through.”
    He tutted under his breath. “Ultimatums are a really bad idea.”
    Turning back on her side, she propped herself up on her elbow. “You think so?”
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