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Book: Reincarnation Read Online Free PDF
Author: Suzanne Weyn
sat on the bed looking up at the mural of Isis and her son,
    the falcon god Horus. Of all the gods and goddesses, Tetisheri had always loved Isis the
    most. Even as a child she'd loved to gaze at pictures of her on walls and pillars, sure that the
    beautiful goddess cared about her, that she had a special place in her great heart for
    Tetisheri. Somehow she was sure Isis would understand how she felt. She was a mother,
    after all. She would take pity on Tetisheri.
    Closing her eyes, she spoke quietly. "Mother Isis, help me, for I am so scared. I am sure the Nubian slave means me harm." These words made her voice catch. "He will kill me. I know
    he will."
    It made no sense, yet she knew -- was absolutely certain -- that he would take her life. And
    she didn't care what Renenutet thought or what anyone else thought -- she did not want to
    go to another world or another life. She wanted this life and no other. "Does that make me
    evil, Isis? Is it wrong to love the life you have -- to cling to it ?"
    Stretching out on her pallet, she shut her eyes. Although she had not intended to sleep, she
    drifted into a dream. The Nubian slave was with her on a ledge, high up. His hand clutched
    her roughly behind her neck. Suddenly a green
    sphere appeared in a black sky, spinning between them. He abruptly let go of her, reaching
    out for the sphere. She reached, too.
    They both wanted the green sphere so badly. They stretched until they could go no farther,
    and then went farther.
    She slipped from the cliff. He grabbed her arm. Together they tumbled down into a tunnel -
    - a bottomless, never-ending tunnel....
    She was shaken awake by Nerfi. "Hurry! Nakht demands to speak to you right away."
    Taharaq sat huddled in the small room into which they'd thrown him. He was humiliated by
    the way that singer had become convulsed in terror at the mere sight of him. Was his black
    skin so horrifying to her? Egypt was full of Nubians. Was this young woman from some
    country outland so far to the north that she'd never seen one of his people?
    He pressed his clenched fist against the throbbing spot on his forehead. The shards of
    intense light breaking in through the slatted window splintered before his eyes. The only
    thing that would make this curse abate was sleep. He knew it from the countless times
    before, so he leaned his head against the cool clay wall and let dream-filled slumber carry
    away his pain.
    He was outside. The palm trees were gone. Strange plants he had never seen before
    whispered below him. From the cliff he could see their tops swaying. It was a world of
    tremendous green everywhere.
    His hand clutched something coarse and thick. He was trying to steady himself but his bare
    foot continued to slide beneath him.
    There was a girl with him. Her coarse hair was what he held. It was Nakht's singer, though
    her sleek hair was now unruly and knotted. Her eyes were wide in terror.
    She was screaming.
    He wanted to comfort her. "I won't hurt you." But he did not have the words.
    He did not have the words!
    So he clutched her more tightly.
    Suddenly a green sphere appeared in a black sky, spinning between them. The sphere
    would save them! Its magic was the answer.
    He reached for it, not meaning to let her go. But he stretched too far.
    She slipped from his grasp, tumbling away.
    It took a moment to realize that he, too, was falling, hurtling down a tunnel that seemed to
    have no end....
    He awoke with a start. The singer sat across the room, staring at him intensely.
    Why had he dreamed of her?
    Why was she in front of him now?
    "Ramose is on guard outside," she warned, standing. "If I scream, he will kill you. He has promised me that."
    The slave scowled at Tetisheri but said nothing. "Could you speak before you were injured?"
    she asked. He nodded almost imperceptibly.
    They gazed at each other, expressionless. He was oddly familiar to her -- but that was, no
    doubt, because he had been in her strange dream.
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