Redemption (Bennett Sisters Book 5)

Redemption (Bennett Sisters Book 5) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Redemption (Bennett Sisters Book 5) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Allenton
shiver down her spine. Even though Briggs and Rick had come with her, there was no way she was going to rest easy in this establishment. Lydia pushed the strap of her dress back up her shoulders. She really should have changed at the wedding reception into something more comfortable, something easy to run in. The need to flee intensified the more she was told. 
    “Why me? Why not Mike, who has military training, or Claire, who can read minds, or even Abby with her gift of psychometry. Why choose me over the more qualified members in my family that have a better grasp at their gifts?”
    “That’s simple. Your ability to use telekinesis was my first thought on why he wanted me to recruit you. I’ve seen the video of the two guys you took out without lifting a finger. Now that I know about your…” The general ran his hand over his face. “What do you call your dreams or visions of future events?
    “A pain in my ass.”
    The general shook his head. “Anyway, I’m now convinced that is why I was told to bring you in.”
    “Who told you to bring me in?”
    The general leaned back in his seat. “I’m afraid that’s classified for now.”
    Rick stood from the table, grabbed her cup, and went to get her a refill. While there, he fixed a cup for himself. It seemed like he needed the stuff too, just like she did. When he returned, he set the refreshed mug in front of her. “I’m thinking we’re both going to need more of this.”
    Lydia sipped the fresh coffee.
    “We’ve been hunting a man named Floyd . He’s been evading us for the last ten years, and as each year passes without capturing him, his army of followers grows by leaps and bounds. We believe he’s been recruiting his own gifted soldiers, but we haven’t figured out why. All of his minions we’ve captured have ended up dying from unknown causes while we had them under lock and key.”
    Lydia bit her lip, still unsure of how her presence was going to help. “I’m not sure how I can help you. I don’t have any control over my visions and very little over what you’re calling my telekinesis. On good days, my visions point me to things that are going to occur. I can’t pick what I want to dream about, and even further, sometimes outside forces and decisions can alter the outcome. I don’t see how I’m going to be any good to you.”
    The general rose from the table. “Give me two weeks, Lydia . If in that time I haven’t helped you learn to control your gifts, then you can leave, although I wouldn’t suggest it. I’m not sure that you can take care of yourself yet.”
    Lydia crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “I’ve been doing just fine for thirty-eight years.”
    The general raised his brow. “You and your aunt have been running for half of it. Don’t be naive in thinking that the bad guys don’t know about you. They will be coming for you, if not today then another day. Your gifts are too much of a temptation for him to ignore.” The general picked up his coffee cup and gulped the remaining contents. “I just want to return the favor you did for my girls. Please indulge me.”
    Lydia pushed from the table and covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her yawn. It had been a long day. Even longer since they’d traveled here. “You’ve got two weeks to prove to me that you can help. After that I’ll decide if I want to stay.”
    The fine lines in General Lister’s face softened. “I knew you were a smart girl. Now let me show you to your quarters.” He pulled the door open and started walking down a long corridor. Each of them followed, their gaze taking in all of their surroundings and quizzical looks of those they passed. “I’ve taken the liberty of calling ahead and sent someone into town to pick you up some necessities since I didn’t even give you a chance to grab a change of clothes.”
    She held up her arms. “What you see is what you get. All I have is this dress and the contents of my purse.”
    He stopped
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