
RedeemingZorus Read Online Free PDF

Book: RedeemingZorus Read Online Free PDF
Author: Laurann Dohner
birth registration to protect me from either of those fates.”
    Something in his features softened. “You’re irrelevant.”
    Charlie spun away, gripped the door, and jerked it open hard
enough to flinch when a muscle inside her arm protested. Think of the money
and don’t kill the bastard , she thought, fuming over his insult. She took a
few deep breaths in an attempt to calm down before she forced herself to study
the parking basement. Nothing moved.
    “Come on,” she called softly. “Let’s get you onto that
    She jogged toward the hovercraft at a brisk pace. The sooner
she dropped him off, the faster she got paid and could get the hell away from
him. When she saw her brother again, she would kick his ass for getting her
into this mess and subjecting her to the conceited, rude cyborg.
    She squeezed into her seat and pushed a button to open the
passenger door since he wasn’t coded to automatically access her vehicle. The
sight of his large, tall frame folded into the small seat made her smirk. His
knees were shoved against the dash and he had to tuck his chin to his chest to
fit inside the compartment. He looked uncomfortable and she could have sworn he
flinched when the door closed, probably hitting his hip and thigh area.
    “My irrelevant ass is taking you to safety so remember that
when you blast away from the surface of Earth on your way back to wherever the
hell you came from.”
    He turned his head just enough to see her. “I meant no
insult by that term. I meant we have that in common as well.” His deep voice
softened. “Cyborgs and grunts were assigned the same insignificant
classification by the government. We were both deemed a disposable workforce.”
    She stared into his brown eyes, saw no cruelty there, and
relaxed as her anger faded. “Oh.”
    “That is a compliment that we have things in common.”
    Charlie wasn’t so sure of that assessment since the cyborg
wasn’t someone she liked very much. “Let’s get you to safety. No one can see
inside here with the tinted glass.” She started the engine and pulled away the
parking space. “We’re only a few miles from the port located just outside the
city limits.” She forced her focus on where she steered. Maybe I was
too hard on him. The stress he’s been under since his capture has to be over
the top . I’d be a bit grumpy too. “And I’m definitely female.”
    “I knew that. I wished to insult you and it worked. I hate
humans and female ones are worse than the males, in my opinion.”
    So much for him not being a total asshole . “My
opinion of you isn’t real high either, Zorus.” His name sounded strange when
she said it. “Why don’t you shut up and let me drive? I had to disconnect the
onboard computer that usually does the piloting since it would have reported
you to the authorities if they put a search bulletin out with your description.
It’s coded in all vehicles to lock the doors, shut down, and alert the police
if it realizes we’re the ones being sought. I didn’t have time to hack into the
mainframe to disable the auto systems.”
    “You should allow me to control the vehicle. I’m still
appalled over your cyclone piloting skills.”
    Charlie clenched her teeth, flipped off the stabilizers, and
drove faster, swerving as often as possible. She smiled when he softly cursed
every time his knees and head repeatedly bumped against the interior as she
slammed him around.
    “Sorry about that,” she lied, going just a little faster to
give him a rougher ride.
    “You are doing this on purpose.”
    She refused to glance his way. They drove until they reached
the freight port of the manufacturing area outside the city. After dark nothing
moved on the street, the human employees had already clocked out for the day,
leaving their jobs to the automated systems. She parked and finally gave him
her full attention.
    “The android work shift has started. They only register life
forms so they won’t notice your
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