Redeem Me (Say Something Book 4)

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Book: Redeem Me (Say Something Book 4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Salice Rodgers
all of them. He won’t look at me when I drop off his plate.
    I shake my head and go about helping the waitresses catch up on orders and cleaning tables. By the time I make it back to his table there is a tip and a letter on the back of the receipt.
    If there is anything I can do to help call me.
    I slide the letter in my pocket and go about working. Maybe he will give me all the answers I need without being in front of his friends.
    The rest of the day is busy taking orders and cleaning tables and before I know it it’s time to close and clean up for the night. The good thing about working when you have stuff going on in your life is the fact that staying busy helps keep your mind off everything. I don’t say anything to Joslynn about John or the small conversation we had. I know when I get home I will have to answer a million questions from Trevor and I would rather do it all at once.

Chapter Eight
    “What did he say?” I ask as soon as I walk through the front door.
    Marshall and Trevor are both sitting at the kitchen table leaning over the papers. When I walk to the table I can see the lawyer made notes on the sides of the letter and also the notes that the lawyer wrote on another piece of paper.
    Joslynn walks in behind me.
    “Hey, wait on me. I am going to lay him down.” She nods her head towards lil man.
    I lean in and kiss his head.
    “Go ahead.”
    I walk to the table and sit down beside Trevor. Neither of them look towards me when I sit down.  Joslynn walks back in the room and sits down.
    “One of you needs to start talking!” She pushes Marshall and causes him to finally turn his attention to her.
    They both start yelling at the same time.
    “HEY ONE AT A TIME!” I yell.
    Both of them stop talking and look between Joslynn and me.
    “The lawyer said there is no way Kipper can send anything from jail. And if he had sent something, it would be marked showing he sent it. The letter had to be from someone on his crew. Without the papers agreeing on the quote they gave or proof of nonpayment or payment there is nothing either of us can do. You don’t have to pay the money but they also don’t have to stop doing everything they can to have Sunshine’s closed,” Marshall comments.
    “Well that is good news. But how did they get certified papers?” Joslynn asks.
    “They are not real.” Trevor slides the papers in front of Joslynn and me and starts pointing out various things that makes them fake. Why would they go through this much trouble to get Sunshine’s closed?
    I didn’t do anything to any of them, so they have nothing to be that mad about.
    “So if that is the case then why are you both so pissed?”
    “If they went to this great length to try to close down the place what else are they going to do when they see that did no good?”
    “I am not closing, guys,” I say shaking my head.
    I can see the wheels turning and I know what they are thinking: they want me to close until all of this is over. If I close then a part of them wins and even if I open later they win and I am not willing to let that happen – I refuse to let that happen.
    “Taylor, I am not putting you in danger. Anger makes people do stupid things. I am not letting anything happen to you.”
    “Trevor, listen to what I am telling you, all of you. I am not closing my restaurant! I refuse! If they want to come in and try to take it from me then let them. It’s not happening. PERIOD!”
    I slam my hands on the table and walk towards my room and slam the door behind me. I know I might have overreacted but this is mine, this is something I worked my ass off for. Something that someone is trying to take away from me and that is not okay.
    Joslynn peeks her head in the door and waits until I nod before she comes in.
    “What are we going to do?” she asks walking to the bed and sitting down.
    “We are going to continue doing what we do. They are not going to win!”
    “You know they don’t like the
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