for John at least. The more this harassment goes on the more angry I am becoming and I do know that makes me difficult to deal with. Hopefully Red will get the message and leave me alone but then part of me hopes he won't leave me alone. It is not a good place to be.
Dreaming Saturday 17 th
I selected a book from Hilda's collection that she thought might benefit me and with this in mind retired to bed to read in peace. Part of me is having a really hard time trying to get my head round some of the concepts but others feel easy and there are a few items that I feel are over explained, as if the author was deliberately trying to throw the reader of the scent. I jotted down little bits where I thought a short cut might be better than going all round the houses. I must have enjoyed this study thing because before I realised I was asleep still propped up with the book and sunlight streaming in through the curtains yet again. Only trouble with too much physical practice and the additional mental stimulus is I am ravenous. I really must get some shopping in for Hilda before she is left with an empty larder. To this end I suggest that I go to the market in the town square this morning. Hilda has things to do but Aylsa is very happy to accompany me and after numerous eggs and bacon we set off, I have an ulterior motive as well as food shopping in that I want some coloured ribbons for my plait. I can't trust my brothers to remember the niceties of my dress code.
We are carrying two large wicker baskets courtesy of Hilda's pantry and Aylsa has a shopping list. It is nine am and the market is still setting up in places but the butcher is up and running so I go there to buy a large piece of gammon and some stewing steak. Aylsa is after fish and then some exotic vegetables. They make their own bread and do not need any herbs as these are also home grown. It is all quite exciting, and I add a bottle of wine from one of the traders stalls. I find the stall that sells ribbons and interesting lace and spend a happy ten minutes or so bargaining with the proprietor. We are enjoying a very naughty flirtation when a young boy comes over to me and hands me a lovely white rose. Without thinking I say thank you and place it in my basket convinced it comes from one of my flirts. I wink at the ribbon man and say, “Hey you have competition”. He laughs and we part company. Aylsa joins me at this point and we are giggling about the attention we are getting. It does you good sometimes to feel you are a desirable woman but hey to the traders all women from sixteen to seventy are fair game! I shall miss the gig tonight at the Docks when they send over all the beers to show their appreciation. We are still exchanging jokes as we visit the dairy and I buy some butter and milk, although I cannot drink milk I can have it in cooked meals so I am trying to show I acknowledge their needs as well as my own. It is almost eleven before we arrive back and start unpacking. Hilda is interested in what we have done and seen and also grateful for what we have brought back. I laughingly toss the rose to her and say how it came to me but she stiffens and suddenly I realise there is more to this gift than I had light heartedly imagined. I assure her that I had not smelled the rose, although I was certain it was innocent but I cannot deny that one thorn had penetrated my finger. I do not remember much else but it appears that before lunch I had passed out, and they had placed me in the living room on the sofa.
I am lying on a moss covered bank close to a slow flowing stream, above me sparkles of sunlight are breaking through the canopy of early spring leaves. Something soft and floaty covers my torso and thighs I reach down and touch smooth silk hanging loosely around me like a kimono held together with a strip of the same fabric. The colours look like a