RED HAZE: A Werewolf Story for the 21st Century
blood soaked canine incisors clearly in view, with human flesh hanging loosely between them. With a low, guttural growl, the beast rose on its two hind legs and moved slowly towards the soldier, its huge, hair-laden, muscular form towering over him. Like a striking cobra, it reached out and grabbed the terrified Iraqi by the throat, lifting him off his feet in a neck-breaking grip.  The soldier was already in shock as the creature bit into his face, crushing his skull, his body twitching in its final agonised death throes.
    Bloody and broken, the Iraqi was thrown to the ground as Chris Collins started to shake uncontrollably, emptying the contents of his bowels into his trousers, for never in all his life had he seen such chaotic savagery.
    Such hellish, brutal bloodshed!
    Slowly, with its ears twitching from left to right, its tail vertical, dominant, the wolf turned towards Collins. Then, as if by instinct, it started to sniff the air. A deep growling emanated from the wolf’s throat as its blood red eyes scanned the broken, mutilated, twisted forms lying in the sand, its long, red tongue licking its lips. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?” yelled Collins, desperately staring at the beast, now just metres away from him. But the wolf just growled, once again dropping to all fours. Cautiously, panting heavily, the bloodied beast moved forward, its surreal, canid body drawing closer to Collins as he crawled away, trying to keep his distance, his face now frozen in heart stopping terror.
    Then, as if sensing something was wrong, the wolf stopped and leaned its head to one side, this time towards the sounds of the Iraqi night. As Chris Collins continued to stare at the nightmarish vision from hell, now so close to him he could hear its deep, guttural breathing, the beast suddenly growled loudly, distinctively, then leapt across the sand, into the darkness and out of sight.
    Feeling utterly exhausted, Trooper Billy Dunstan staggered weakly over to his shaking friend and colleague. Battered and bleeding, he slowly dropped to his knees.
    “Chris…Chris, hey mate, are you okay?” Dunstan whispered, fearing for his friend’s sanity.
    At first Collins didn’t reply. He just stared blankly into the blackness of the Iraqi desert and the dimming flames around them.
    Not knowing what else to do, Dunstan shook him, “Chris, bloody hell, snap out of it mate, c’mon, hey…Chris….”
    “Billy,” Collins whispered, his voice shaky, feeble, “you…you saw it too?” His grip on Dunstan tightened, desperation set firmly in his eyes, “please Billy…tell me you fucking well saw it!”
    “Oh god…yes, I saw it Chris, and what it did.” The two soldiers glanced across the darkened sandy terrain as the distant thumping sound of oncoming helicopters scythed through the night air. “Here comes the cavalry,” said Dunstan with a smile of relief on his bloodied, sweat sodden face. With the din of rotor blades growing ever louder, the two SAS Troopers staggered to their feet, surveying the carnage around them as two US Marine Corps, Huey Cobra Helicopter Gunships came into view.
    “Where’s Ash?” asked Collins, his voice still weak, his body still trembling.
    “That was Ash,” replied Dunstan.
    Meanwhile, the confused, chaos ridden mind of Trooper Ash Piper screamed out for help, his powerful wolf form running like the wind across the Iraqi desert as he began hunting for further prey, and searching…for his own kind.

    The amber eyes were watching him!
    The young boy, running, laughing, with not a care in the world.
    The amber eyes followed his every movement!
    And all because of the butterfly! So beautiful and fragile! Its colours, so radiant! Red, black, white and blue, fluttering to each flower, so gently, with the boy looking on…fascinated.
    Should he…yes, but Mum would not approve, oh…just this once! He didn’t want to hurt the butterfly, just to see
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