Reawakened Secrets
see her do the same.
    “I am yours to command, Ms. Sinclair. You look beautiful, by the way.”
    “And you look sexy, brat.”
    “Whatever, let’s go . . . party, ” I said, rolling my eyes.
    “C’mon, party animal,” she said with a laugh.

    After an hour at Jackson’s house, I’d already reached my limit for all the bullshit that comes with the rich and entitled. Not one classmate was there, not that I missed any of them. Alice and Jackson were the only people I knew. They made a striking pair, a real-life Barbie and Ken, complete with the mansion. It was just my bad luck they were both too busy having fun with their other friends to waste time entertaining me. Jackson caught me staring, and my heart pounded furiously before I dragged my eyes away.
    He ignored me all night unless I was talking to someone else. Then he was quick to find a reason to get their attention and escort them away. I couldn’t help but notice the girls looked through me, while the guys were happy to look a little too much. How Jackson and Alice considered these uppity bitches and horny assholes friends was beyond me.
    I was so done with this high school shit. I would spend my summer interning at a hospital instead of traipsing across Europe. I would be planning my college courses instead of scheming to bag a rich fiancé. I didn’t belong here, and I never would. So where did that leave my friendship with Alice and Jackson? I could never be done with them. I loved them both too much. All my shortcomings were hardly their fault. If I was being generous about this latest disaster of a night, I would admit I was partially at fault for dressing like a hillbilly. But I was not in the mood to be generous, and I was ready to go.
    There wasn’t enough beer in the whole state, let alone this backyard oasis, to make me stay much longer. When one of the drunken idiots came over and spilled his drink on my top as he tried to feel me up, I was pushed past my limit. He would never dare treat Alice this way, but I was always the easy target.
    “Touch me again and I’ll break each one of your useless, privileged fingers, asshole.”
    “Oh, come on, baby,” he snickered as I stalked away.
    I told Alice I wasn’t feeling well and I would get a ride home. I didn’t want to ruin the party for her with an early end to her night. Besides, she was exactly where she wanted to be: by Jackson’s side. I couldn’t look at him or even say good-bye. My head had started to spin, and just thinking about him made my chest hurt. I had to get out of there before I did something stupid—really, really stupid. I rushed into the house from the pool area to search for a phone to call a cab.
    “Looking for something?” a familiar voice asked just over my shoulder.
    I spun around, surprised to see Jackson lounging in the doorway of the study.
    “Don’t worry, I wasn’t casing the joint. I just need a phone so I can leave. Don’t rich people have phones?”
    “Are you okay? Do you need me to get you a dry shirt?”
    Well, this was just perfect. You’d think I’d entered a wet T-shirt contest the way he was looking at me. I finally snapped. How dare he treat me this way when he’s supposed to be my friend? He wanted nothing to do with me anymore and it was tearing me apart.
    “Don’t bother, you stupid jerk. I’m used to cheap beer and losers like your friends out there. I was actually thinking about taking my shirt off altogether. What do you think, Mr. Montgomery? It’s awfully hot.”
    His hand jerked, twisting the knob before he walked into the room and slammed the door behind him. “What are you talking about? Have you completely lost your mind?”
    “No. I’m just trying to make it easier for you to keep treating me like trash. I’m not worth a minute of your time anymore. I’m not good enough to be invited to your party. Oh, and forget about talking to your stupid friends. I bet there’s something I am good for, right? Most of the guys here
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