my life! — and, if God choose
I shall but love thee better after death.”
A warm flush crept over Meg’s body. Had Morgan loved the girl he’d mentioned this way? With his heart and soul? And if he had, where was she now? What had happened to their relationship?
She heard Cammie flush the toilet, hurriedly tucked the dried flower back in place, and dropped the book on the bed. When Cammie emerged, Meg scooted her back outside. Morgan was patiently holding the reins of two horses. He helped Cammie mount, then turned to Meg.
“Need a hand up?”
“Not if he’ll stand still.”
“Just don’t spook him.”
“I have no plans to.” Meg hoisted her foot into the stirrup and grabbed the saddle horn. At thatmoment, a fly nipped at the horse’s flank and the horse swished its long tail and shifted. Meg gave a little shriek and fell backward. Morgan caught her.
Embarrassed, she struggled to regain her balance. The girls giggled, and the horse gave her a bored look. Morgan’s strong arms righted her. “You okay?” His eyes danced with laughter.
“He moved,” Meg said weakly, knowing her face was beet red.
“I’ll hold him this time.”
Meg regained her composure and tried again. Once she was atop the horse, Morgan handed the reins up to her. When their fingers brushed, she felt something akin to an electric shock shoot through her.
“Have a good ride,” he said, locking gazes with her.
Her insides turned to mush.
“If we’re not back in an hour, come get us.”
“Oh, I will,” Morgan said, his bright blue eyes not leaving hers. “I surely will, Megan.”
A fter a week and a half of camp, Katie was feeling confident. No disasters had happened in her cabin, her girls were having fun. And even the reclusive Sarah was coming out of her shell, participating in activities and opening up to her fellow campers. Katie was interested especially in the friendship beginning to grow between Sarah and Dullas—it was good to see Sarah laughing and having fun, although any improvement in her condition was not obvious from her appearance. She had yet to gain any weight, and Katie was worried that the little weight she had put on seemed to be slipping away from her. Still, she was a small girl, and she was only just beginning to settle into life at Jenny House. Katie would continue to keep an eye on her but remained hopeful.
At the moment, Katie’s charges were in the reccenter busy with a craft activity, and it was her turn to sort the mail into the proper slots for the campers and staff to pick up later.
She hummed as she worked. It seemed as if everyone had received mail that day. She saw a letter for Lacey with Jeff’s return address in the corner. “This should make you happy, girl,” she said aloud, and filed it in Lacey’s box. The next letter stopped her cold, however. It was addressed to Josh in a distinctly feminine handwriting.
Her heart thudded and jealousy pricked at her insides. Covertly she read the name in the upper left-hand corner: Natalie Brooks. She knew no one named Natalie. Her fingers itched to tear it open and read it.
“Stop it!” she told herself aloud.
“Stop what?”
Katie jumped and whirled. “Dullas!” she barked. “Don’t come sneaking up on me like that.”
“I wasn’t sneaking. I wanted to ask you something.”
Katie forced herself to calm down as she shoved the letter into Josh’s box. “What? And why aren’t you at crafts?”
“I hate crafts. It’s dorky and dumb to sit and make pot holders.”
“Everybody else is doing it.”
Dullas just looked bored. She crossed her arms. “I want to talk to you about Sarah.”
“Listen, Sarah’s had that bunk for over a week now, so stop badgering me about it.”
“It’s not about the bunk. It’s something else I found out about her.”
Curious, Katie asked, “What about her?” Dullas rarely thought of anybody except herself.
“She’s adopted. Just like me.”
“How do you know that? Did