Ravens Gathering

Ravens Gathering Read Online Free PDF

Book: Ravens Gathering Read Online Free PDF
Author: Graeme Cumming
black knee boots.  Her long dark hair was
styled so it bounced gently as she walked.  Everything about her
appearance was designed to attract attention.
    Reaching into the boot of the car, she lifted two carrier
bags.  They were quite heavy, and another five still lay there.  She
hesitated for a moment, debating whether to take any more this time and reduce
the number of trips she’d have to make.
    “Excuse me.”  The voice came from behind her.  It
was softly spoken, but not in a prissy way.  She guessed he might have
lowered it so as not to startle her.  Always aware of a potential
opportunity, she stayed where she was for a moment or two longer than
necessary.  Giving him plenty of time to admire the view of her jeans-clad
    Pulling back from the car, she turned.
    He was standing about ten feet away, and slightly to her
left.  He wasn’t facing her directly, which suggested that he’d probably
come up the main track to the farmyard from the village.  The same track
she’d driven up ten minutes ago.  She glanced towards the opening, but there
was no sign of a vehicle there.  Nor, now she came to think of it, had she
heard one.  If he’d walked, he must have pretty much followed her off the
main road.  She couldn’t recall seeing him down there, but that didn’t
mean anything.  The mood she was in, she might have missed Tom Cruise.
    She was glad she’d seen him now, though.  He looked as
if he was about her age, early thirties.  The surfer look was good, if a
little incongruous.  She could also imagine him as a ski instructor. 
Both images reminded her of happier times, when it had been normal to jet off
on holiday three or four times a year, and have occasional extra fun while Ian
was otherwise engaged.  Sometimes he insisted on taking work with him
while they were away, so what was a girl to do when she wasn’t getting the
attention she deserved?  Already, she was wondering whether this newcomer
might provide her with some welcome distraction.
    “Sorry to disturb you.”  The stranger smiled.  He
wasn’t handsome, but he wasn’t ugly either.  Blue eyes, even teeth, slightly
crooked nose, as if it had been broken in years gone by.  More
importantly, there was a masculinity about him that she found very
attractive.  There was also something vaguely familiar about his face.
    “No problem,” she said.  “Just bringing in the shopping.”
    “Would you like a hand?”
    Depends where you plan to put it.  She smiled
back at him.  She was flirty, but she wasn’t stupid.  He could be an
axe murderer for all she knew, no matter how tempting he looked.  For now,
she ignored the offer.
    “What can I do to help you?”
    “I’m looking for Patrick Gates.  I was told by his son
that he was still working here.”  He added: “Colin,” as if she needed
further explanation.
    Tanya nodded.  “That’s right.  He’s working on one
of the houses.”
    The stranger frowned.  “Houses?”  He seemed
confused by her response.
    “The development?” she offered, but he just looked back at
her blankly.
    “I’m sorry.  I don’t know what you’re talking
about.  I thought he still worked on the farm.”
    Tanya smiled warmly, amused by the situation.  He
responded in kind, clearly not taking offence.
    “Did Colin tell you that?”
    “Not exactly,” he admitted.  “He just told me his dad
was working up at the Sullivans’ place.  I put
two and two together...”
    “And got twelve?” Tanya suggested.
    A wry smile.  “Maths never was my strong point.”
    “What is your strong point?”  The words were
harmless, but the tone was suggestive.
    The smile broadened.  “That would be difficult to
explain,” he said.
    “So you’d need to show me?”
    “Something like that.”
    There was a pause in the conversation.  She guessed
that, like her, he wasn’t sure where to go next with this.  It had been
over a year since she crossed this line, and she suddenly felt
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