Raised By Wolves Volume four- Wolves

Raised By Wolves Volume four- Wolves Read Online Free PDF

Book: Raised By Wolves Volume four- Wolves Read Online Free PDF
Author: W. A. Hoffman
other children in the nursery. I spied the everincongruous couple of calm, educated, maroon, Julio, and his argumentative and stupid English matelot, Davey. I shared an argumentative and stupid English matelot, Davey. I shared an embrace with the former and a handshake with the latter. Then we all gathered around the tables, where Sarah was seated and wine had been set out. Gaston sat next to Vivian, and I went to stand behind Agnes and wrap my arms about her slimform. She stiffened at first with surprise, and then quickly sighed and relaxed against me.
“Well, it appears we have all survived. Shall we exchange tales ofwoe?”I said lightlyto all.
“I have beenhearingthe tales already,”Sarahsaid witha smile and sad glance at her husband’s missing arm. “But other than wounds, there is little we here have not learned on our own.”
“How did youlose your arm?”Theodore asked Striker.
“Spanish ambush on Hispaniola,” Striker said quickly witha dismissingwave. “I willtellyouallofit once we sail.”
“We’re all ready ta leave,” Liam said. “Where be the Queen ?”
“Out beyond the Passage, so that she can run if there is trouble,” Striker said. “Were you expecting us?” he asked with surprise.
“Aye and nay,” Sarah said. “We have been arranging passage onthe Belle Mer .”
“The Belle Mer ? Savant?” Striker asked. “Why is he
here?”I sighed as I remembered Captain Savant, the square
headed man who had hated Gaston so when last we sailed with the French. We had won him over somewhat, but I still did not the French. We had won him over somewhat, but I still did not like him.“They took an ugly ship off Cuba and came to sell her
    quickly,” Julio said. His matelot chuckled, and Striker eyed them curiously until Julio added, “A truly ugly and un-seaworthy vessel: if she had not been filled with dye wood she would have
sunk.”“Savant has agreed to take us to Tortuga,” Theodore
    said. “We were goingto leave a note.”
“Oh, thank you,”I teased.
“Aye, we were goin’ ta leave it with Belfrey or Massey,
    an’ then write another note on the walls in paint ta let ya know where the real one be,” Liamsaid. “We were goin’ ta be clever an’ all and not say their names, but let ya know in some other way. What with bastards burnin’ our warehouse and Theodore havin’ ta take down ’is shingle, we didna’ want ta bring trouble downuponthem, but it’s likelythese houses would be sacked as soon as there weren’t a loaded piece behind the doors. The damn bastards would na’ leave a note ’ere even iffn they couldna’ read it. Probably ’ave orders to take it all ta the
gov’na’.”I was surprised, and I looked to Theodore and Sarahfor
    confirmationand found sad and resigned nods.
“It has been made clear that we are no longer welcome
inPort Royal, or allowed to conduct business here,”Sarahsaid. “We heard as muchfromMorgan,”I said.
“It be a damn good thing ya asked us lot ta stay,” Liam
said. “Aye,” Theodore said bitterly. “I do not cut a figure so
imposing that I can prevent my wife from being harassed in the
market.”Striker sighed and took his wife’s hand. “We should not
have left you.”
    Pete grimaced and scratched his head before releasing a lengthy sigh of his own. “AyeAn’Nay. AllThatBeBehindUsNow. WhenCanYa’BeReady?”
    “On which ship?” Sarah asked with a teasing smile. “We were almost prepared to sail a week ago, but then Morgan and another ship arrived, and Julio learned that if you survived the storm you should be along soon. So we agreed to wait another week, and paid Savant good coin to do so. He has already been approached by several captains and told not to take on any passengers. Thankfully, he gives not a damn for what our fellow Englishmen think. He is quite impressed with Gaston’s title, and Agnes has done much to charm him as Lady Montren—even convincinghimto take the
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