going to like what I'm about to say. But nonetheless, you must hear me out. I'm dead now, I can't argue with you about it. In a way, that's in my favor. It is my last wish. I have quite a value accumulated over the years, that much I can tell you, enough to make each of you rich beyond your dreams. More than even I realized at the time.
" I was too busy making it, to count it, so to speak. Enough so no one will see a need to fight over the money. And I will do this, but first I have one condition you must adhere to. And I realize that this might interfere with your lives, since all of you, save one, have gone about your lives elsewhere. Not that you regret this one bit, you are all independent women and head-strong to say the least. You wouldn't be McKay 's if you weren't. But my condition will make you all richer than you ever imagined.
" Now…t he condit i on being I want you all living here, on the ranch for one year, to this date. I fully realize this could cause a hardship. So think about what you might be giving up, if you chose not to do this. Because once the condition is met, you may all go about your lives as you please and will be protected knowing you have enough money for a lifetime. It is the only condition I make. And there is a reason…which on completion of the cond i tion will be explained. If you chose not to do this, then you forfei t your part of your inheritance entirely, and I do this knowing full w ell I have provided for all of your tender years. So , now as you lay me down to rest, do not think too unkindly of me, as I have a reason. And remember no matter what you chose to do, I loved you all, and still do. "
Everyone's mouth flew open now, a nd everyone was staring at Rams e y as though he had written it himself .
"I… I don't believe this! " Letty didn't bother hiding her irritation. But then she never minded her own tirades. "Why wo uld he keep that secret so long? And why this ridiculous idea of moving home for a year ? Wh at can be accomplished by it ? "
Rams e y turned to look at Wade now . " I do not pretend to understand your father's thinking, I only respect it. Now, I think you might want to hear this, sir."
Wade came just a bit clos er, but continued to watch Wendy . Julie began to see what was going on, only she was sure neither of them understood .
"The only other stipulation being that, this ranch and all it includes must be managed by Wade and Cade Weston . Unless they so decide to leave this employment. Cade 's more than earned the right as ramrod now and he needs an equal share. Their salary will be increased as I would have done, had I been there . These two gentlemen will be wealthy from this increase, and justly so. Do not begrudge them , they have both earned it. And that each hand that I'v e listed on this will has full retirement benefits coming to them at age sixty-five . The ones listed have been loyal to me, and have earned it. There will be no arguments over this. This is something I have been adamant about all my life, taking care of the people who have shown their loyalties to me over the years. I expect this to be carried out to the letter. "
Everyone glanced at Wade who looked as surprised as anyone. Julie took into consideration that her father had included Cade in the management too. Did he know? No, that was silly, how could her father know everything? He left that impression on people, but in reality, he didn't know everything.
" Mr. Wymer 's company shall be paid in full, and a n endowment of $25,000 a year will be released in his name at the anniversary date. Mr.Wymer has been respo n sible for my investments for some years now, and thereby responsible for the tidy sum I will leave my children.
"To all of you, I loved you dearly, even though I neglected to tell you very often, and I'm sorry I didn't show this all along . All my daughters may walk tall and know that they are taken care of for the rest of their lives, whether they cho o se to work or be