Racing Hearts (Shadow Quest 4.5)
greatly weakened her. And she had slept badly on the cold iron
floor, sometimes only falling asleep when exhaustion overruled the
chill in her bones.
    She pushed into the now empty corridor
and continued with caution. The hallways remained quiet.
    The path she had hacked allowed doors
to open at her approach. With each threshold, her anxiety was
reborn. Each hallway was like a repetition of the first. There was
nothing distinguishing, nothing but grey walls illuminated by dim
overhead lights.
    With her nerves grated, she had finally
made it to the docking bay.
    A merchant ship was indeed docked, both
ships connected and open to each other. She'd almost cried out with
a surge of an unfamiliar mixture of emotions.
    Joy. Relief. Anticipation.
    That is, until she’d spotted the blond
guard blocking her path. A large, strong looking male, a bored
scowl etched in his features. Spiky blond hair framed his face and
a black short sleeved shirt revealed his muscular arms and chest.
Black pants and a pair of black boots covered his lower half. He
leaned against the wall of the ship, wearing an aura of danger.
Like he could rip you apart with his bare hands, while maintaining
that look of boredom.
    Luckily, he hadn't seen her. She was
already halfway hidden behind large piles of cargo. The stack of
boxes towered high enough to hide a body three times her size. She
had to hold her nose to contain a building sneeze as she caught a
whiff of spices.
    She didn't know how long she remained
in her semi-hidden position, but the time dragged. Any minute now,
the docking bay would be flooded with workers, sent to gather the
goods. She could only wait and hope for an opportunity, the perfect
moment when no one was watching so she could hide herself away on
the merchant ship. She prayed for a distraction.
    The docking bay was a huge room. The
ceiling stretched high overhead, and the walls were covered in
white. Three floors tiered around the great round room. Massive
machines used for lifting heavy cargo loomed above her, bolted to
the thick retaining walls. No one was currently manning
    Usually a slave or two was brought with
each delivery, though she didn't see any this time. Darius liked to
acquire things, people included. Although most of the crew were
free, many were slaves, mostly women. And though they were treated
just as poorly, they were rarely kept as isolated as she
    Each crew member, slave or not, had two
things in common. First, they were all handpicked by Darius,
selected for their great strength, knowledge, or beauty. He
demanded only the best at his command. Second, they feared their
    When he wasn't punishing Analia for
some perceived infraction, he often forced her to watch as someone
else suffered. In order, she suspected, to frighten her into
submission. It worked.
    She was once forced to
witness a group being disciplined . One of the men had been
condemned to death. The other three were ordered to take his life
or die themselves.
    Analia never learned what they did to
deserve such a punishment. They were given no weapons to carry out
the act. Horror struck, she watched as they pounded at the
condemned man with only hands and feet to save their own lives. If
she didn't watch, if she’d closed her eyes, then she would be on
the receiving end of her own punishment.
    She shook the memory away. This was her
first real attempt at escape. She'd thought of it many times
before, dreamt of what it would be like to be in possession of her
own life. To do what she wanted when she wanted. Oh, how she craved
freedom. To think, act, and speak with no fear of consequence. No
one forcing her to use her ability until her body, drained of
almost all its essence, gave out in exhaustion. No man to encroach
on her body, when she hadn't the energy to fight him off. She shook
her head.
    Focus .
    She peeked from behind her hiding spot.
The guard was still there, blocking her escape. He hadn't moved
from his position since she
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