Pushing Her Boundaries

Pushing Her Boundaries Read Online Free PDF

Book: Pushing Her Boundaries Read Online Free PDF
Author: Julia Rachel Barrett
Tags: Siren Classic
the time dessert and coffee arrived, Maggie seemed very relaxed. She propped an elbow on the table and rested her head on her hand, giving him a nice view down the bodice of her dress. He tried his best to keep his eyes focused on her face, but every time she leaned over, Mace couldn’t seem to stop them from drifting downward. He was very glad she hadn’t worn a bra. Thank god there was still light from the setting sun, enough to allow him to discern just a hint of the rosy rings of delicate skin surrounding those perpetually erect nipples.
    Forget the chef’s tasting menu, I’d rather taste her . Instead, he licked his tiny spoon of frozen strawberry crème fraîche. He watched Maggie’s eyes follow his tongue with interest. Turnabout is fair play . He offered her a taste. She shook her head, but she continued to stare at his mouth with what appeared to be fascination. Either that or I have some food stuck to my face. He licked at the cold confection again, testing the waters. As Mace watched, her eyelids seemed to grow heavy, sliding down to cover those pretty hazel eyes. When she opened them again, he could tell that she was turned on—not by the frozen confection, but by the movement of his tongue, not that she’d ever admit it. Clearly, if he was going to get where he wanted to go with Maggie, Mace would have to push her boundaries. The alcohol may have lowered her resistance for a few hours, but by tomorrow morning, he knew the fences she surrounded herself with would be mended and sturdy. Well, you can usually find an opening if you search long enough .

    * * * *

    The four of them stood at the curb, Maggie and Lynn discussing who would drive home.
    “Neither of you,” said Jeff. “You aren’t driving and Maggie’s had too much to drink. Where are your keys?”
    “In Maggie’s purse.”
    Mace glanced at Maggie. She hadn’t walked in with a purse and she obviously wasn’t holding one now. His brother, Jeff, said as much. Seeing the smile on Maggie’s face, Mace snorted in amusement.
    “It’s here.” Lynn readjusted her crutches and handed Jeff her bag. “Her purse is in my purse. It’s the black clutch.”
    Jeff fished around in Lynn’s bag and pulled out a small black leather clutch. He tossed it at Mace.
    “Hey, I can drive,” Maggie protested. “I haven’t had that much to drink.”
    “Uh, honey,” Lynn said with a smile, “you’ve had more than enough to drink. Mace can follow in my car. Don’t worry. He’ll get you home safe.”
    “You’re not coming with me?”
    Lynn reached for Maggie’s hand. “Will you be terribly hurt if I stay at Jeff’s tonight? I’ll be back first thing in the morning, I promise, and I figure all you want to do is go to bed.”
    No , Mace thought, you mean all I want to do is take her to bed .
    He turned toward Lynn. “Hmmm?”
    “Can you see that she gets up to my apartment okay? The door keys are on the key ring. You can follow us to the apartment building and then we’ll wait for you out front.”
    “But what about your clothes and…?”
    “You worry too much, Maggie. I have everything I need at Jeff’s. Is this okay with you?”
    Maggie nodded. From the expression on her face, Mace could tell that she was a little disconcerted, maybe hurt, that her first night in town, her sister planned to leave her on her own.
    “Thanks, sis, that’s so sweet of you. I’ll be back for breakfast in the morning. Mace, our car is right over there.” Lynn pointed out her compact sedan and turned to Jeff. “Where did you park?”
    “Wait here, sweetheart, and I’ll bring the car around. You two stay with her until I get back.”
    “Of course,” said Maggie. She had moved farther away from Mace now, standing a little to the side of the group. He could tell she felt like a fifth wheel. Not on his watch.
    He opened her bag to search for the keys. Curious, he glanced at the contents. All she carried was a pack of birth control pills, a bottle
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