standing in the middle of the studio naked.
Okay…that’s not exactly what I’d seen coming.
I’d assumed fun would entail sex. After all, he was supposed to be this big time flirt. A lady killer, right?
I was so worked up, if he’d decided to seduce me, I wouldn’t have minded. Actually, I was on board with the idea. I was no virgin and I wasn’t afraid of my own sexuality. After all, I had taken his dare and had actually enjoyed it.
Should I feel embarrassed now? Exploited or something?
I’d just posed naked for money.
Abruptly, I realized I did feel a little embarrassed, and out of place. Grabbing one of the blankets on the bed, I wrapped it around myself and started to pace. Drifting up and down the studio, I let my eyes wander to the framed prints on the wall. They were advertisements, some of them for small local places, but others were for national brands that I’d heard of even back in Tennessee.
It made me feel better. Flynn wasn’t doing any of this to sell to some cheap skin magazine.
Bouvier was top-of-the-line fashion and the name itself was synonymous with elegance. If my naked body ended up in one of their advertisements, it would be tasteful.
Maybe I could get some shots worth putting into a portfolio. Kendra had been telling me I could be a catalog model. I’d always assumed that she was just being polite. Typically, women who looked like me ended up getting hired as plus-sized models. In this society, anything over a size eight was considered plus-sized, but that’s the fashion world for you. I refused to perpetuate that way of thinking.
I’d never thought much about it when she told me I should consider trying to find any agent, but maybe she was serious. I definitely wasn’t cut out for her world, but there were other options.
Maybe modeling was a possibility. Apparently Flynn saw something in me.
As I was considering the drastic career change, Flynn returned with a crate and pulled out half a dozen small jars.
I gave him a curious look and he grinned.
“Body paint!”
The devilish look was back in his cadet blue eyes though now I could see he forced it. Something had happened during our intimate photo shoot and he wanted to put it out of his mind. He wanted to put me back in one of the regular places woman usually held in his life: easy fun or pure art.
I shook my head. “Nice try, sleazeball, but you’re not turning me into cheap performance art.”
He grinned. The blanket I’d wrapped around my torso and tucked in near my breasts chose that moment to loosen and gape, drooping down to my waist.
I caught it, but before I could cover back up, Flynn came over and tugged it away.
I wasn’t about to get into a wrestling match after all the work I’d done to convince him of my nonchalant attitude so I gave it up with a bored sigh. “I’m not letting you put a bunch of paint all over me,” I said again.
“Oh, come on, it won’t hurt a bit.” He lifted a brow as he added, “You want the three thousand, right?”
I swallowed down the urge to growl at him. “What exactly did you have in mind?”
He smiled.
A few moments later, I wish I had stuck by my no .
I held still as he lifted gloved hands, covered in brilliant red, toward my torso. “Don’t move,” he said. His eyes lingered on my face. “You don’t want it to run.”
I swallowed and held still.
He’d had me pull my hair up and now I stood in front of him, naked, without even the illusion of modesty my long hair could provide. When he cupped my breasts in his paint-slicked hands, I gasped.
“There’s one.”
I didn’t breathe as he backed away and changed the gloves, pressing them into a vivid purple this time.
He pressed one palm to my neck. The other to my abdomen. But instead of stripping off the gloves, he dipped them back into the small pool of paint he’d poured out and, a moment later, I had a purple palm print on my right ass cheek and another one on my left hip.
The pattern