Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2)

Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Susan Stoker
coughed and let go of Adelaide who was cutting off the circulation in his arm. She resisted, but the EMT firmly instructed her to let go so he could check his back. The coat burned a bit as it slid off his back, but Abe showed no outward sign of discomfort. As far as pain went, it was low, especially compared to some of the injuries he’d received on his missions.
    “Okay, it doesn’t look too bad, sir,” the EMT said briskly. “It looks like some of the embers landed on your back while you were getting out of there. I’m assuming you didn’t have this jacket on the entire time? It’s a good thing you put your coat back on, that’s for sure. You would’ve been burned a lot worse if you hadn’t. Look at the back of this.”
    Abe looked at the jacket the man held out and was amazed. He hadn’t felt anything hitting his back while he’d been against the wall with Adelaide, adrenaline he supposed. But if Alabama hadn’t had the presence of mind to douse him with water and to give him that coat…Alabama! Where was she? All of a sudden he desperately wanted to find her, to make sure she was all right, to thank her, hell…for all sorts of reasons he didn’t understand.
    Abe looked around and didn’t see her anywhere. Did she get out?
    “Who did you say told you to check me out?” Abe knew the man hadn’t said, but it had to have been Alabama, no one else would have known he’d been burned. He needed to make sure.
    “The lady over there…” The EMT pointed where he’d last seen Alabama and she wasn’t there. “Well, she was over there. She was wearing jeans and wasn’t very tall.”
    Abe nodded, a little irritated at his less-than-flattering description of the woman he found fascinating and gorgeous. “I know who it was. Thanks, man.”
    Abe didn’t notice the snarl on Adelaide’s face as he confirmed Alabama’s presence.
    “You know she’s a janitor right?” Adelaide said malevolently, making herself known for the first time since the EMT had joined them. “She’s weird and cleans toilets for a living.”
    “ You know she just saved your life right?” Abe said without missing a beat. “Hell, she saved a lot of lives today, including mine. I don’t care if she’s an escaped felon or the queen of fucking England.”
    Adelaide just turned her head away and coughed dramatically.
    “Come on, let’s go and clean off your back, then you’ll be good to go,” the EMT said uncomfortably, not liking being in the middle of their disagreement.
    Abe wanted nothing more than to leave Adelaide sitting on the ground, but he couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right, no matter how upset he was over the whole situation. He helped her up and put his arm around her waist and assisted her to the back of one of the ambulances that was lined up at the curb.
    Feeling Adelaide’s thin waist did nothing for Abe anymore. He couldn’t even believe he used to think she was sexy. When he’d first seen her at Aces in her little black dress he’d been infatuated. She’d seemed like the perfect woman. Now he knew better. She was mean, and mean trumped looks every day of the week.
    Knowing this wasn’t really the place; he couldn’t, and wouldn’t, wait any longer.
    “Adelaide, this isn’t how I wanted to do this, but it’s time we moved on. We had a good time together, but I don’t see us going anywhere.”
    “You’re dumping me?” Adelaide shrieked not even coughing. Obviously Abe’s shirt had adequately protected her while they were in the fiery hell. “What the hell? I thought you were this great protector, this great Alpha male. But when I’m at my lowest and hurt you’re telling me we’re over? Are you dumping me for the janitor ?”
    When he didn’t say anything but only stared at her with derision, she sneered, “You prick. You’ll regret this.”
    “I already do.” Abe walked away shaking his head. He’d never understand women. Never. Walking away, he was already making plans in his head on how
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