Prophecy Girl

Prophecy Girl Read Online Free PDF

Book: Prophecy Girl Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melanie Matthews
Eva sunk back against her seat, nervous. 
    Mr. Quinn clutched her hand. “Don’t worry, Eva. If you see something, I’ll be right here. I’ll help you.”
    She wasn’t convinced. “How?”
    “If it does happen, I want you to hold back as many tears as you can, and talk about what you saw.”
    “I’ve tried to talk about it before, but no one believed me.”
    “If it happens, you’ll give me every detail, as if you’re reporting a sequence of events…dryly narrating a story…distancing yourself from the action, from the characters. You need to be aloof, hollow to get past it. You need not to feel.”
    “How can you say that?” she asked, shaking her head. “I’ve seen…I’ve seen so much horror and death. I can’t… distance myself from their eyes, from their blood.”
    “Compassion is a valued trait my dear, but with you, until you can control the intensity of these visions, your sorrow, you must learn to suppress your empathy.”
    “It sounds so…cold.”
    He nodded. “It does, but it’s the therapy you need, and what the other Banshees at your school are learning.”
    There was that word again. 
    “What are… Banshees ? How am I one?”
    He let go of her hand and sat back against his seat. “Now that is a long story.”
    She smiled. “We have a long flight.”
    “That we do. Well, it all started a long time ago, around the middle of the sixteenth century, in Ireland. There were two young girls named Muirgen and Aghamora. One day, they dared their friend, Laoise, to trail along the edge of a cliff. Just before Laoise made it to the end, she slipped, and fell to her death in the rocky waves below. Well, the sisters were scared out of their minds. Muirgen, the mischievous of the pair, decided to lie. They went back to Laoise’s mother, Saoirse, and told her that Laoise had walked along the cliff’s edge entirely on her own and fell. Well, as you can imagine, Saoirse was devastated, but what the sisters didn’t know was that she was a secret witch. 
    “You see, Saoirse didn’t believe that her daughter would trail those cliffs. She had been warned it was too dangerous. So Saoirse concluded that the sisters had lied. She brought up her daughter’s dead body from the water and mixing Laoise’s blood with her own tears, Saoirse concocted a potion. The next day, she invited the sisters over for some pie and milk. Well, the milk wasn’t really milk—it was the potion. Muirgen and Aghamora drank it, and were from that point cursed , as well as their bloodline to be Banshees, witnessing visions of death and wailing in sorrow.
    “We don’t know why, perhaps it has to do with the deterioration of the spell over time, but it can skip several generations, so your mother and probably her mother weren’t Banshees,” he added. “And it seems to develop at fourteen, the age Laoise died, but in your case, you were a little early. That’s…abnormal, but not anything to worry about.”
    Eva couldn’t believe what she had just heard. One, she was abnormal…as if she didn’t already know that! And two, all of this seemed like a horror story, but true. 
    And she had been right all along.
    “I’m cursed,” she declared softly.
    He shook his head. “No.” Then he nodded. “Well, yes, but it’s not your fault.”
    She threw up her hands. “So I’m going to suffer because two sisters lied hundreds of years ago?”
He nodded sympathetically. “Seems like that, but you can overcome it.”
    “It’ll go away?” she asked, hopeful.
    “No, but you can learn to control it. The visions…the sorrow…it’ll last until the last day of your life.”
    She wanted to cry, but didn’t want to attract the attention of the male flight attendant, who was walking their way.
    “So all the students are like me?”
    “Just the girls. Only the girls are Banshees.”
    “You said boys were there too. What are they?”  
    She thought something must be wrong with them too, if they were schooled and
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