Promising Hope
They’re at the
palace, and rescuing them is going to be just as dangerous as
finding the Thieran.”
    Sierra sputtered for a moment. “One will save lives
and the other will end it.”
    “That Thieran will kill more people. More of our
people,” he said. She bit back her words—they weren’t her people. “He’ll kill our chances at a family.”
    What kind of family could they have? They had no
house, no money, warrants out on their heads for murder, and
serious psychological issues. Just two days ago, he’d been against
having a family. She let out a slow breath, rubbing her forehead.
“You can do whatever you want, Evan, but I still think Jeshro
should do more to protect you.”
    “I will do everything I can,” Jeshro said. “I
promise, Sierra.”
    Sierra gave him a curt nod, and he cleared his
throat. All the men he’d originally invited stayed, stated their
loyalty to the Avialies in the face of anything, and Jeshro told
them who the Thieran was, a nobleman named Gregorio. He talked
about theories of where he could be: his estate in Renaul, the
castle, his brother’s manor. He told them about spies in Haltar,
and they started speaking tactics.
    Sierra tried to pay attention, but her mind was
elsewhere. She tried to think of a good argument to keep Evan with
her. Every time he contributed something, though, it was more and
more clear he was determined to go. Why must he leave for this?
Another man could kill the Thieran. They’d just been talking about
how glad they were to be together again. He’d just told her he’d
dreamt about her and fantasized about seeing her. So why would he
want to leave her?
    When Jeshro proposed Adrian be in charge and Evan be
the next in line, Sierra had to fight back tears. She didn’t want
to cry in front of all these people, and she cleared her throat.
“If you don’t mind, Jeshro, I’m going to step outside.”
    She didn’t wait for his response; she stood up and
forced herself not to run as she left the room. A sob escaped her
mouth once the doors were closed. She walked down the corridor,
searching for a private place as tears streamed down her face. She
stopped at an alcove with a balcony and leaned on the railing. No
matter how much she wiped her face, more tears replaced them. She
was horrified that someone would walk by and see her sobbing, and
yet she wanted Evan to come out to be with her.
    She remembered a time when they were younger. They’d
just lost Ellena, a friend who’d miscarried and caught a disease
that killed her. She wasn’t the only one by any means, but she was
one Sierra had been close with. A day later when everyone was
talking about her, Sierra had left the room to cry by herself, but
Evan had followed her and held her.
    She now waited for him, wondering if he noticed she
was crying or if he was too busy with the meeting. Even if he had
noticed, would he care enough to come out? Her shoulders shook as
she wished it hadn’t come to this. She’d never analyzed things
between them so much. She just didn’t want to lose him.
    Sierra jumped at the sound of Matilda’s voice. She
spun around and knocked her shoulder on the wall of the alcove.
    “Sorry,” Matilda said.
    Sierra rubbed at her shoulder and hastily wiped her
face. She knew if she said something, she might start crying again,
so she remained silent, staring at two men painted on the wall.
    “I want to show you something,” Matilda said,
stepping closer to her.
    Matilda shrugged. “Unless you’re busy.”
    Sierra couldn’t go back in there like this; she’d
probably start balling again as soon as she saw Evan. Sniffling,
she said, “Okay.”
    Matilda motioned for Sierra to follow, and she led
her through the northern wing of the castle to the front gates.
Sierra took a deep breath of fresh air. She didn’t think anyone at
the meeting would miss her. Lisbeth might ask why she didn’t come
back, but they didn’t need her. Not anymore, at
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