Pretty Witches All in a Row

Pretty Witches All in a Row Read Online Free PDF

Book: Pretty Witches All in a Row Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisa Olsen
receptionist to see.  “Good morning, Tracy.”  He read her name from the name plate.  “I’m Sergeant Gibson.  I wonder if you would be so kind as to direct me to who might have information on a former employee here?”
    Tracy blinked up at him owlishly.  “Oh… I guess that would be Terri in HR.  Why don’t you have a seat Sergeant, and I’ll tell her you’re here.  May I ask who the employee is?”
    “Skye Mackenzie, thank you,” he answered readily enough, already moving to take a seat. 
    With a prim smile, she picked up the phone, dialing an extension.  A frown pinched her features and she hung up.  “Excuse me; I’ll go see if I can find someone to help you.” 
    “Take your time,” Nick replied, drawing out his phone to review an email from Brady with a partial list of clients.  He recognized Annaliese’s name on the list as well as Meiliyn’s, but the rest of them were new to him. 
    Tracy reappeared with another tight smile.  “It’ll be a few more minutes; I’m afraid Terri’s unavailable at the moment.”
    He hated waiting.
    The minutes stretched on, and he was about to get up and light a fire under Tracy’s butt when the door opened and a woman approached, a pleasant smile on her face.  Nick felt his pulse kick it up a notch or two at the sight of her, and he straightened in his chair.  She was beautiful, it didn’t take much to see that right off the bat, but there was something else about her that made him sit up and take notice.  Ebony hair was pulled up in an elegant twist at the nape of her neck, an errant strand escaping to curl against the slender column of her throat.  The severe grey skirt and blazer she wore were softened by ample curves, the steep heels accentuating the shapeliness of her legs.  Dark eyes and full lips were perfectly enhanced by cosmetics, not too much, not too little and the effect was striking. 
    “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Detective,” she smiled graciously.
    Nick launched himself out of the plastic chair, a smile replacing the dumbstruck stare he was sure had been on it moments before.  “Not at all Miss…”
    “Ryan, Sera Ryan,” she extended her hand. 
    “Thank you for seeing me, Miss Ryan.”  Nick accepted her hand, which was cool and limp, the barest of handshakes.  “I’m Sergeant Gibson; I’d like to ask you a few questions about one of your employees.”  Releasing her hand, he produced his ID again, but she didn’t bother to look at it.
    “Of course, won’t you please follow me?”  Without waiting for a response, she turned and headed for the interior door she’d come out of.
    Resisting the urge to mutter that he’d follow her anywhere, Nick trailed along behind, watching the interesting things happening underneath her skirt when she walked, before snapping himself out of it.  She led him through a wide hallway past several employees, all women, who watched him with undisguised interest. 
    Sera opened the door to her office and entered, gesturing to the seat opposite her desk.  “Please have a seat, won’t you?  Would you care for something to drink?  Coffee or water?” 
    The placard next to her door bore the inscription ‘Seraphine Ryan, VP of Marketing’.  Wondering how he’d ended up in her office instead of Human Resources, Nick followed her in, waving away her offer of refreshments.  “No, thank you Ma’am, I’ll try not to take up too much of your time.”
    Nodding, she shut the door firmly, moving to take her seat behind the desk.  “Now then, I understand you have some questions about Skye Mackenzie?” she asked, crossing her legs and clasping her hands demurely in her lap. 
    “I do,” Gibson nodded, drawing out his notepad.  “Only I thought I was going to be speaking with Terry in HR.  Not that I’m complaining, mind you,” he gave her his most charming smile. 
    “I’m afraid she’s in the middle of a meeting at the moment, and we didn’t want to keep you
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