President's Girlfriend 06 - The Sins of the Fathers

President's Girlfriend 06 - The Sins of the Fathers Read Online Free PDF

Book: President's Girlfriend 06 - The Sins of the Fathers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mallory Monroe
credit for
anything.   “Daddy got him out!   He was the one who got that governor to
pardon him or whatever they did for him.   It wasn’t Gina!”
    “All right,”
Sam said.   “It wasn’t Gina, I get
it.   Damn.   You just need to calm yourself back down
before you make yourself look more foolish than you already look.”
    Jade did
manage to calm down.   She even smiled her
beautiful, bright white smile.   “Marcus
has been staying with me and Christian.   Gina wouldn’t let him stay at the White House, you know.”
    “That’s not
what I heard.   I heard Dutch kicked him
Gina made him,” Jade insisted.  
    Sam looked
at her daughter with amazement in her eyes.   If Jade believed for a second that anybody made Dutch Harber do anything he didn’t want to do, she was more
ignorant than Sam had given her credit for.
    “Marcus has
been great,” Jade went on.   “He was
really there for me after my. . . after what happened
with my baby.”
    “After your
miscarriage, Jade,” Sam said pointblank.   “Not after what happened to the baby.   After your miscarriage.   Call it what it is.”
    “Ma, okay,”
Jade said irritably.   And
then calmed down again.   Tried to shield her true emotions again.   “All I’m saying is that I can talk to
Marcus.   He gets what I’m about better
than anybody else ever could.   And guess
what, Ma?   Marcus agrees with me.   He can’t stand Gina, either.   He feels she visited him in prison, not to
help him, but because it wouldn’t look right for the First Lady to ignore her
own brother.   She doesn’t care anything
about him.   She doesn’t even have time
for him and just tossed him off on me and Christian.   But he’ll do anything for me, Ma.   And I mean anything,” Jade added with a
cunning grin and sipped her wine.
    Sam stared
at her daughter.   Was about to go there
with her daughter.   But Christian Bale,
Jade’s husband, came over.
    “The President’s
almost wrapping it up, ladies,” he informed them with that usual cheerful lilt
in his voice.   “He’s going to be so happy
to see you, Miss Redding.”
    Jade rolled
her eyes.   “Do call her Sam or
mother-in-law or something less formal, Christian, my goodness.   Don’t call her Miss Redding .   She’s not that
old yet.”
blushed red.   Sometimes Jade took him on
such wild rides when he didn’t even know they were going anywhere.   “I didn’t mean to imply that she was old.   I was just---”
    “It’s okay,
Christian,” Sam said.   “Don’t pay Jade
and her foolishness any attention.”
however, couldn’t help but pay her attention.   She was his wife.    And he loved
her.   “She’s okay,” he said to his
    Sam stared
at him.   He was in his mid-twenties, but
looked even younger.   His blond hair was
stacked high on his round head, and his blue eyes were big and milky.   And this kid was supposed to tame Jade?   Sam wanted to laugh at such a ludicrous
    “You really
ought to sit down,” Christian suggested to his wife.   “The doctor said you shouldn’t overexert
however, would have none of it.   “How is
standing up an overexertion, Christian, will you tell me that, please?”
    “The doctor
said you shouldn’t overdo it.”
    “He said that two weeks ago.   I
had a bad cold, Christian, that’s all.   That’s over and done with.   I can
do backflips now as far as that doctor is concerned.   Geez.”
didn’t argue with her.   The president had
already told him that loving a woman like Jade wasn’t going to be a
cakewalk.   Christian understood
that.   But that didn’t make it any
    A tall young
man with a buzz cut approached the threesome.   “Excuse me, Miss Redding, but the president will see you now.”
Rick,” Christian said to the young man, and the young man nodded at Christian.
    “Right this
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