“I’m just asking because a lesbian is the only type of female, who wouldn’t think Noah was hot.”
“I don’t know if you and I are going to be friends,” I deadpanned.
She smiled at me. “Oh, come on. Look at him. His body is insane.”
“I think you’re insane.”
“He’s a perfect triangle. Broad shoulders, thin waist, amazing ass.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re an amazing ass.” I was getting more than a little annoyed at the way she was talking about Noah.
“I haven’t even gotten to his arms and legs.” She was almost panting.
I held my hand up, hoping to stop her diarrhea of the mouth. “How do you know him?” She asked, breathlessly.
“We grew up together. There hasn’t been a day in my life that I haven’t been with him. Our families even take vacations together.”
“Where does he live?” Beth was becoming too inquisitive about Noah.
I narrowed my eyes at her, not answering.
“Does he live in our neighborhood?” I remained silent. “Oh! My! God! He lives in our neighborhood. Why haven’t you introduced us? You’ve been holding out on me. You have to introduce us.”
Once she started talking about Noah, her words came out at such a rapid fire speed that I could barely keep up. She was talking so fast and excitedly, I had the urge to punch her in the neck just to slow her down.
“Yeah. I’ll be doing that real soon,” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
I didn’t know Beth well enough to make a judgment call, but she appeared to be in need of some sort of medication.
“Come on, Amanda. I need to see if his front is as amazing as his back.”
I looked at her in annoyance, shaking my head.
For the remainder of the game, Beth sat there ogling not only Noah, but every guy she deemed hot, which was the majority of the team. She even thought Coach Sawyer was hot, and he was old. He had to be at least forty.
The game was almost over. It was Noah’s turn at bat. The score was tied. If he scored with this run, the Tigers would be city league champs for the first time.
The crowd grew quiet. The pitcher took a few seconds and then, threw a fast ball straight at Noah. The sound of the bat connecting with the ball was so loud that it sounded like a cannon had just fired. Noah dropped the bat and took off running faster than I’d ever seen him run before. He rounded first, then second, then third. He slid feet first into home plate. When the ump yelled, “SAFE!!” my Noah became a city league legend, leading his Tigers to their first championship. The crowd went crazy, jumping up and cheering.
I stood and looked on the field, watching as Noah’s teammates ran over, picked him up, and placed him on their shoulders. They started to chant, “STE-WART! STE-WART! STE-WART!” as they turned him towards the excited crowd.
Beth gasped. “Oh yeah. His front is definitely as amazing as his back.”
I shot a piercing glance in her direction.
The cheers got louder and the crowd began to chant, “STE-WART!” Noah looked up into the bleachers. His eyes locked with mine. He had the biggest smile across his face, matching mine. He took off his baseball cap and waved it in the air, looking at me the entire time. He was the only one I saw out there on that field, and he looked at me like I was the only one he saw in the bleachers. Warmth coursed through my body as I stared at him. He really was nice to look at.
I was overwhelmed with pride and joy for him. Beth was wrong. There’s nothing unnatural or weird about the connection Noah and I shared.
We descended the bleachers and walked toward the field where Noah was standing. A large crowd had already gathered around him, shaking his hand or slapping his back in congratulations. I stood off to the side with Beth. I wanted to watch him enjoy his moment. After several minutes, the crowd began to thin. Noah looked past a few people and spotted me. He shook a few more hands, but never took his eyes