tour,” Wyatt, Miranda’s boyfriend and my childhood friend,
announced as he st his tray down on the table in front of me. I
picked up the roll because it was the only thing on the tray I
actually recognized and pinched off a piece before peering up at
    “Yeah,” was my only response before
popping the chunk of bread into my mouth.
    “Don’t talk about it. She’s all
depressed,” Miranda scolded, slapping at his arm.
    Wyatt continued to watch me which
was slightly unnerving.
    “What?” I asked, meeting his
    He shrugged, “Nothing, I was just
thinking about something and I was going to ask you about it and
well.. I forgot.” He shook his head as if to clear it and grabbed
his bottle of water.
    Leif. He’d been thinking about
Leif. Slowly Leif was fading from everyone’s memory. Everyone but
mine of course. Why was that?
    “Wyatt, do you remember the tree
house you built and wouldn’t let girls into?”
    Wyatt lifted his gaze from his food
and grinned at me, “Yeah and you were so freaking mad. I think I
hung that sign just to piss you off.”
    I was sure he did. Wyatt had lived
to make me mad. We had a huge boy versus girl battle going back
then. Miranda was happy to play with her Bratz dolls which just
gave him more ammunition. Miranda made me look bad. Dolls made the
boys think we were weak and I was so not weak.
    “Do you remember the tree in my
backyard you climbed and said I couldn’t?”
    Wyatt frowned a minute and then a
grin broke across his face, “YES and you did climb it one day by
yourself and fell down but a kid helped you or something. I don’t
know. I didn’t believe your story then and I don’t believe it now.
It was a little far fetched,” he continued to go on and on about
how fast he could climb that tree and his obvious prowess where it
was concerned but my mind was on other things.
    The boy had been real. That dream
was a memory. Why had I forgotten it?
    “You gonna eat that?” Wyatt’s
question broke into my thoughts and I pushed my tray toward him. I
wasn’t sure what “that” he was referring to but all the “thats” on
my plate weren’t going anywhere near my mouth.
    “Help yourself.”
    “Sweet. Thanks,” he grabbed the
tray and pulled it in front of him.
    Miranda shivered as she stared down
at it. That had been my thought exactly.
    “So Pagan, when are we going to get
to double with you and Dank?”
    “Um... I don’t know. I didn’t know
you wanted to.”
    Miranda cocked her head to one side
and gave me an incredulous look, “Of course we want to. You’ve been
the one holding out.”
    No. Wyatt was friends with Leif.
Wyatt hadn’t been crazy about Dank and me. He felt like I was
cheating on Leif even though I’d told them all that Leif had broken
up with me. I shifted my gaze to Wyatt who was happily eating the
food I’d given him while waiting on me to reply. Had they forgotten
Leif completely?
    “Oh, okay, well let me talk to him.
He’ll be gone for a little while but when he gets back, then
    Wyatt grinned and took a swig of
water. I shifted my attention to the table beside us where Leif
normally sat as reigning king. No one seemed to be concerned about
his absence. Not even Kendra, his girlfriend for years before he’d
broken things off with her this summer. Had they ever really been a
couple or had he just played with her head?
    Kendra threw her head back and
laughed at something one of the boys said and I watched in
fascination as she flirted openly with them. Thankfully she’d
forgotten all about Dank once he left the first time. I hadn’t had
to deal with her flirting with him on his return. It was almost
like I didn’t exist as far as she was concerned. Then her eyes
caught mine and a flicker of knowledge startled me before she gazed
right past me and squealed out the name of another cheerleader
approaching the table. They all acted like nothing had happened. No
one worried over their star quarterback anymore.
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