Praetorian Series [3] A Hunter and His Legion
managed to stumble across every single member of our little contingent, both new and old, with the exception of four individuals: the camp’s remaining three ladies and Bordeaux.
    The latter was situated on a small hill with clear sightlines all around the camp.  It was a good location for our concealed Listening Post/Observation Post, or LP/OP, and Bordeaux could call in a threat from two miles out if he had to.  With Santino’s UAV for aerial reconnaissance I was confident we were quite secure, although after Madrina’s not-so-proficient handling of it a few days ago, it wasn’t nearly as reliable as it once was.
    That left the three women.
    Madrina, Bordeaux’s German wife, was still recovering from a bout of unconsciousness suffered on the day we’d failed in our mission against Agrippina.  She’d been little more than an ordinary house frau months ago, and hadn’t nearly been prepared for the shit we’d put her through.  She’d been lucky, and while Bordeaux had rarely left her side since, I suspected the big fella could still use the time alone after what had happened.
    And then there were two.
    As I grew closer to my tent, I couldn’t help but overhear the faint giggles of two women laughing hysterically at something I was sure no one with a Y chromosome could ever find even remotely humorous.  I stopped and did everything I could to build up some courage for what was to come.  Taking a deep breath, I pushed into the tent.
    Their c onversation ended when I stepped through to loom in the entranceway, and both turned to regard me with smiles on their faces, heaving for air.  The woman to my right was clearly the more attractive of the two, but I had to admit that I was slightly biased.  The other woman, after all, was my sister, and while she had a cute smile with round cheeks and long, fine brown hair, I could never bring myself to admit that she was attractive.
    Not that that it mattered, because the other woman was more than simply beautiful.  She was gorgeous.  Radiant.  Ethereal.  I could have come up with a slew of other descriptors, but I didn’t need to, because she was the love of my life and the mother of my unborn child.  I smiled as I looked at her, remembering just how lovely her face was when she wore a happy expression, one she didn’t wear very often anymore.
    Her jet black hair, when she stood, flowed like a waterfall past her waist and framed a face with sharp but lovely features upon chestnut skin, but it was her large, vibrant eyes that everyone always noticed first.  A bright, glowing green, they were so intense they often seemed capable of piercing right through solid objects.
    “Am I interrupting something, ladies?”  I asked casually, ho ping I was.
    The two women glanced at each other and snickered.  Both were dressed for bed in loose shirts and shorts, and had I not known any better, I could have almost imagined the two as young preteens throwing a slumber party.
    Helena looked at me happily with her green eyes and reached a hand in my direction.  I gripped it and let her pull me to the floor beside her.
    “Oh, not much, Jacob,” she said, turning back to her new friend.  “Artie was just telling me a story about how you found a naughty video once when you were children, but you were too embarrassed to watch it and told your mom.”
    I shot a glance at Diana “Artie” Hunter – my little sister.  “I was, eight!  And you were like six and a half!”
    She ignored me and leaned in closer to Helena.  “See what I meant about the ‘like’ stuff?  He’s got the worst poker face.”
    Helena clapped her hands and rolled onto her side in laughter, finding something – I wasn’t sure what – extraordinarily funny.  I watched her, but couldn’t help but feel amused as well, finding myself mildly surprised as I’d never seen her like this before.  While we’d found time for happiness in the past, rarely did I see her cut loose with such raw emotion
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