
Powerplay Read Online Free PDF

Book: Powerplay Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cher Carson
bank, but the one thing he wanted more than anything may still be out of his reach.
    When he lit a candle on the nightstand, she grabbed his wrist. “Hey, are you okay, hon?”
    Hon. She’d always called him that when they were together. She’d given her affection so freely while he’d been so guarded. He’d been afraid of encouraging her. He didn’t want her to start wanting more than he could give. He cursed himself now, wishing he could turn back time.    
    “I’m okay, baby.” He closed his eyes, drawing a deep breath. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he said quietly, “I made a lot of mistakes with you. I’m sorry.”
    She drew him down for a kiss. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you for anything that happened. I think you’re a great guy. We were just at different places in our lives.” She sighed. “Sometimes, I wish I could run away for a while, you know? Just escape the demands and expectations of my family, my career, my…” She shook her head, a tear trickling down her cheek. “Everything.”
    He brushed the tear away with the back of his finger. He wanted to protect her, to take care of her. He didn’t know what was troubling her now, but would do whatever he could to ease her burden.
    “I’ve got a place in Barbados. Maybe at the end of the season we could go there for a month or so, you know? Just kick back and relax.” The thought of spending that kind of time with her, just the two of him, made him want more, so much more. He didn’t want her for a month, he wanted her forever.
    She stroked his cheek, looking into his eyes. “That’s sweet of you to offer, but I couldn’t.”
    He propped his head up with his hand as he lay on his side, looking down at her. “Why not? Listen, I know you’re busy at work, but everyone needs a little down time once in a while, sweetheart.” He knew she could afford to take the time off. She was one of the most successful agents in their city, a lucrative position to be in, even during a downturn in the economy. “Come on, when was the last time you got away?”
    Her eyes slid down to his chest, and he knew her last vacation had been with Kevin. He cursed himself for asking. He didn’t want her to think about him now, not while she was in his bed. 
    “I’m sure your place is beautiful, and I’d love nothing more than to get away for a while, but…”
    He slid his hand down her body, resting it on her taut stomach. He wanted to touch and taste her all over, but not until he was sure that she was ready. They had all night to make love.
    “We can go anywhere you want. Just pick the place, for as long as you want.” He knew he was in the rare position of being able to offer her that gift, and he wanted to show her, starting now, that he would do anything he could to make her happy.
    She closed her eyes and smiled, as though she were indulging in a fantasy. “Let’s see, if I could go anywhere in the world…”
    “Jen, open your eyes.” He tipped her chin until she looked him in the eye. “Baby, I’m serious about this. I can give you anything you want, anything you need, just say the word. If you’re feeling stressed, I can make that go away.” A twenty-five million dollar contract could buy a lot of luxury vacations and days at the spa to help ease her stress.
    She sat up, looking uneasy. “You know what, Mark? I don’t think my coming here tonight was such a good idea. I think I’d better go.”
    He felt his heart rate increase, his pulse pounding. “What the hell are you talking about?” He grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back down on the bed. “Why do you want to leave?”
    “I came here tonight thinking this was going to be just like old times: great sex, fun banter, and I’d go home in the morning with a few more nice memories.” She sighed. “But it’s turned into so much more than that. It’s getting too intense. I can’t handle that. It’s not what I want.”
    He struggled to find the words to
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