Poppy's Passions

Poppy's Passions Read Online Free PDF

Book: Poppy's Passions Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephanie Beck
insisted anyway and she didn't want to add to their frustration, so she climbed into the backseat of their rented SUV. Michael was the least shaken at the news it seemed, but she figured he handled stress better, so he drove. She realized how close Cody must be to his father when he stayed pensive and held her tight on his lap during the ride to her apartment.
    She hugged him the whole way and gave the limited reassurances she could. Heart attacks were scary things and she hoped, no matter what the future held, they would get home in time for their father. Before he let her off his lap, Cody promised what they'd started wasn't over. Michael and Trevor added their instant agreement. They packed an hour of big city safety tips between hugs and kisses in the four minutes before they had to go or miss their flight.
    Back at her apartment, and fresh from a shower, Poppy wondered if she'd dreamed the episode. During her failed, brief pregnancy her dreams had been crazy, vivid and though she'd never had one starring three brothers spending a night worshiping her, the question still edged into her mind. Had she dreamt them?
    She wandered through her apartment, checking her empty answering machine. Her sex ached like hell with each step and her nipples rubbed uncomfortably against her t-shirt. The friction the night of sexual excess had caused wasn't pleasant, but she couldn't wipe the smile off her face.
    There would be no pretending it was a dream. Reality was better. Poppy Maguire had an incredible night with three delicious brothers, individually and all at once. Menage , not trois , but while her French was non-existent the Spanish was quatro , maybe a quartet.
    The thought made her laugh, surprising because she never thought she was the kind of girl who could do something sexually daring. It went to show how hungry she'd been for contact and emotion, even if it was only one night. She wanted more, she couldn't lie to herself. She'd been prepared to feel the recriminations of reality settling in, yet she felt fine, like it was perfectly normal to spend the night being loved by three men.
    They weren't going home to the best circumstances and she worried. She wished she'd gotten a phone number to check in on them, or even given hers. She had their hotel's number but it didn't do any good with them on their way home. The Patriches hadn't lied to her yet, and when they promised to be back, she wanted to believe them. That didn't mean she wouldn't end up disappointed, but for the first time in months she had a little faith in someone, even if it wasn't herself.
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Chapter 2
    Four Months Later
    Cody stared at the checkbook. Dinner was over and he had to get payroll done before he could read the book Paul had left on his desk. They were considering adding a few Irish shorthorns to the cattle bloodline, but he was still researching options.
    The book lay next to the stack of medical journals he'd been reading, reminding him of Paul's heart attack. Thankfully it was only a minor attack, but it had been enough to scare them all.
    Duane was a hell of a doctor and had done CPR the whole way to town, keeping Paul alive. Cody couldn't imagine life without any one of his parents, but during the flight he'd thought about the possibilities.
    Paul, Duane, and Thomas loved his mother, and one was his father, though all three claimed the right. The arrangement made the family tighter than most. To lose one would have left a hole he couldn't fathom repairing. The closeness extended to him and his brothers. When they grew up they left the ranch, but Cody had always known they would all return one day.
    Living alone held little appeal for him. It was one thing to be out in the pasture surrounded by nature's quiet, another to go home to an empty house. He'd done his two years of college but staying in the city never crossed his mind.
    Michael and Trevor made friends easily, but Cody knew they preferred life on the ranch. It
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