he was noticing Zujan, for his dangerous fascination with the firefaeries.
Zujan snorted, held out a long, thin hand. “Hand me one.”
He chose one and handed it over, glaring. “It doesn’t mean anything. It’s not poison. Of course, you wouldn’t mind eating one.”
Zujan nibbled at it. “Why would I drug you, my prince? I have your word you will submit.”
“Because…because you want me to want it.” It sounded stupid, even to his own ears. Zujan probably wanted him to suffer every moment.
“You will find pleasure, my prince. I have no doubt.”
“That’s all right—I have doubt enough of that for both of us.” Drugging him was the only way he would find pleasure in his submission.
A finger dipped into the crust of the pastry, Zujan licking the dark berries, obviously enjoying the treat. It was very…sexy. Wintras blinked rapidly as tears threatened. He was so confused, and his head was starting to hurt.
“You should have some wine, some roast.” Zujan pointed lazily at the food. “You spent many days in hunger.”
He shook his head. No, he couldn’t eat. It would be giving in. He couldn’t give in. He’d been tricked into eating the tart.
“Wintras. I order you to eat, sustain yourself.”
Rall’s eyes were huge, watching them.
Wintras reached out and picked up a grape, putting it carefully into his mouth and eating it. Zujan echoed his actions, licking and sucking the purple orb, pulling the juice from it. Wintras gasped, his cock throbbing at the sight. He nearly choked on his own grape, and he tore his gaze away from Zujan. Drugs or a spell. The man was a mage after all. It was obvious he had been enspelled.
Rall patted his back, leaning close. “There is no shame in this, Wintras. I swear to you.”
“Except that I don’t want it, Rall. I don’t want him. I don’t want to be here.”
“You swore to submit. He is a man of his word.”
“I will submit, Rall. And you will be free. But I don’t want him.”
“You will.” Rall’s fingers brushed his cheeks. “You will.”
“I will not.” What scared him was that perhaps Rall was right. He straightened his spine and stared at the wall across the room. He would not go down without a fight.
“Strip him, Rall, and ready him for me. We will show him what it means to want.”
He gasped, eyes shooting to Zujan. He knew this was coming, had known from the start and knew that he must accept it when he agreed to submit, but here, in front of everyone? The man truly was a monster.
Rall stood, shaking his head, one hand held out. “You must learn to control your tongue.”
Wintras stood, not taking Rall’s hand. He would submit, but he had never said he would make it easy for anyone. “I can remove my own clothing,” he said tightly, pulling the tunic from his body.
It wasn’t that he minded nudity—in fact he quite enjoyed it, but here it was being used to shame him. And that he did not like in the least.
Zujan pulled a bottle of green oil from a box at the foot of his bench. “Here, Rall. This should slick the way.”
Wintras bit his lip. He would not cry. He was here of his own free will. That he had never performed this particular act and would do so as a…as a sideshow for entertainment value meant nothing. Really, the whole thing meant nothing, just another proof that Zujan was a heartless monster.
He stood still and naked, head held high as he waited for instruction. Rall took the oil, slicking the little fingers quickly and wrapping them around his shaft, pumping, patiently working him to a full hardness. He silently cursed his body for finding its pleasure in this. To submit he only needed to accept Zujan and what Zujan did, he did not need to get hard, to come. Curse Zujan and Rall for insisting he did.
Zujan stood up, moved behind him. The long thin fingers stroked over his back, caressed his hips. He shivered at the touch of the cool fingers. He would have thought a fire mage’s skin would burn. The