Play Me Right
the elevator.”
    “Why? No one else has access to it.” I press kisses to her jaw, her throat, her sexy, sexy collarbone even as I slip a finger through her hot, slick folds. She’s already wet and I can’t begin to say what that fact does to me.
    “But I need to tell you—” She breaks off on a moan and I lower my head to her breast. Bite her nipple softly through her shirt before sucking it into my mouth. At the same time, I rub her clit hard, while twisting my fingers deep inside of her. It only takes a second to find her G-spot, stroke it. Once, twice, and then she’s going over the edge, crying out my name as she comes and comes and comes.
    It’s not enough. Not nearly enough. But it’s a start, and for now, I’ll take what I can get.

Chapter Four
    For long seconds, I forget how to breathe. How to think. All I can do is feel as Sebastian slams me into first one orgasm and then another. When it’s done, when I can finally string three words together in a barely coherent thought, I know that no matter how much pleasure he just gave me, it’s not enough. Not nearly enough. He’s right. It’s been four days since he’s touched me—four days since I’ve touched him—and right now all I want is to feel him against me. Inside of me. To meld the two of us together so completely that I won’t be able to tell where he ends and I begin. It’s a terrifying thought, considering how many things are still uncertain between us, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Doesn’t make me want it—want all of him—any less.
    He starts to pull away, to usher me out of the elevator. But that’s not what I want.
    I slip from his grasp, ignoring the questioning look on his face as I drop to my knees in front of him. Whatever happens later, whatever he says—whatever we decide—I want this time with him. Want to make him feel as good as he’s just made me feel.
    Maybe if I hadn’t talked to my sister, maybe if he hadn’t just hurtled me into two powerful orgasms without a thought to his own pleasure, maybe if it hadn’t been four days since I felt him inside of me, I would feel differently. But those things did happen and all I want is to wipe the guilty look off of his face and to give him pleasure.
    “Aria, you don’t have—”
    “Let me,” I plead, looking up at him from beneath my lashes. “I want to.”
    He cups my face, tilts my chin up so that I can’t help but look him in the eyes. “We need to talk.”
    My heart thuds in my chest. When used in that combination, those are four of the most terrifying words in the English language. And though I know he’s right—we do need to talk—I want this first. “Please.”
    “I need this, Sebastian. I need you.”
    For long seconds, I think he’s going to refuse. It’s stupid—I know it’s stupid—to feel like he’s rejecting me when he’s gone through all this trouble just to see me, but the rejection shatters me anyway. Has my head dropping, has the breath catching in my chest, has the hope that’s bloomed inside me since the moment I looked up and saw him watching me across the casino floor slowly leaking away.
    I try not to show it, try not to let him see how much he affects me, but I must not do a very good job, because suddenly he drops to his knees in front of me. “Aria, baby, I don’t want you to think your submission is all I want from you. That I’m demanding it—”
    “You’re not demanding it if I’m giving it freely.” I pull back from him a little, urge him to his feet. But when he reaches to help me up as well, I shake my head. Clasp my hands behind my back. And wait for him to tell me what he wants.
    I’ve never done this before. Never given myself so completely over to the care of another person—especially not a man. But he’s as shaken up by what happened the other night as I am and I don’t know any other way than this to show him that I’m okay. That I want him.
    That I trust him not to hurt
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