Plain and Fancy
her tongue. “That’s ridiculous. From what I know of the Amish, they live very simply, without any decorations in their homes that don’t serve some sort of purpose. So I don’t see how studying the Amish can help Laura with her studies.”
    “Knowing our enterprising daughter, she’ll figure out something about their way of life that she can use in her decorating classes.” Wesley stretched his arms over his head and yawned. “Think I’ll head upstairs and change into something more comfortable before we have dinner. It’ll be a relief to get out of this suit.” He undid his tie and slung it over his shoulder as he stood. “Never did like wearing a suit. Wish I could get out of putting one on every day.”
    She clicked her tongue again. “What kind of lawyer would you be if you didn’t wear a suit?”
    “A comfortable one.”
    Irene opened her mouth as if to say something more, but he hurried out of the room. He’d become a lawyer just to please her anyway, and if wearing a suit made her happy, then he’d probably end up wearing one until the day he died.

    Laura had been sitting on the wooden bench in front of the variety store for nearly an hour. Still no sign of Eli. Where is he? Maybe he isn’t coming. Maybe Darla’s right and he’s decided it’s best not to have anything to do with a “worldly” woman. I’ll give him another five minutes; then I’m leaving.
    She scanned the parking lot again. Several Amish buggies sat parked there, but they were all the closed-in type. Eli’s courting buggy was nowhere in sight. She watched as an Amish family went into the store. I wonder how those women deal with wearing long dresses all the time. If Eli ever shows up, I’ll have to remember to ask him why they wear those little white caps on top of their heads.
    She glanced at her watch again—1:45.
    Finally at 1:50, his buggy pulled into the parking lot. Laura felt such relief, she was no longer angry. She waved and skittered across the parking lot.
    Eli climbed down from the buggy. “Sorry to be so late. I had to help my daed and brothers with some chores at home, and it took longer than expected.”
    “It’s okay. You’re here now; that’s all that matters.”
    Eli gave her a boost up into the buggy, then went around and took his seat. He glanced up at the sky. “There’s not a cloud in sight, so it should be a fine day for a picnic.” He grinned at Laura, and her heart skipped a beat. “Did you bring a jacket? Even though the sun’s out, it’s still kind of chilly.”
    Laura shook her head. “I’m wearing a sweater, so I’ll be fine.”
    Eli picked up the reins and said something in Pennsylvania Dutch to the horse.
    “What’d you say just then?”
    His face turned crimson. “I told him I was taking a beautiful young woman on a ride to the lake so he’d better behave himself.”
    Laura’s heart kept time to the clip-clop of the horse’s hooves. “Thank you for such a nice compliment.”
    Eli only nodded in response.
    They traveled in silence the rest of the way, but Laura found being in Eli’s company made words seem almost unnecessary.
    The air snapped with the sharpness of autumn, and soon the lake came into view. If it was possible, the picturesque scene was even more beautiful than it had been the week before. Maple leaves lay scattered about, reminding Laura of the colorful patchwork quilt lying on her bed. The sun cast a golden tint against the surrounding hills, and a whippoorwill called from somewhere in the trees. Laura relished the sense of tranquility that washed over her like a gentle spring rain.
    As Eli helped her out of the buggy, she slid effortlessly into his arms. Raising her gaze to meet his, her breath caught in her throat at the intensity she saw on his face. Her pulse quickened, and she grabbed her camera, hoping the action would get her thinking straight again. She photographed the scenery, being careful not to point the camera in Eli’s direction,
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