to see you.”
    That made no sense whatsoever. “What?”
    “She wants to see her friends first.”
    Natalie had picked a hell of a time to mess with him. “I’m going in there,” he said. “Are you putting me on?”
    She slid into one of the chairs in the room. “Do I look like I’m putting you on? Caroline didn’t want to see you at all but I got her to agree to it if I let her friends come in and talk to her first.”
    He took the seat next to her. She had to be mistaken. And try as he might, he couldn’t keep the dejection out of his voice. “My wife doesn’t want to see me?”
    Natalie squeezed his arm. “I’m sorry.”
    Dr. Haddad only made physical contact when she felt guilty or protective of him. Or when she was trying to keep him calm. Other than that, it rarely occurred. He should have seen all of this coming. “What did she say to you?”
    “She wouldn’t tell me about anything that happened. I tried to build a rapport, tried to ask her about you, but she wasn’t having it. I think-” Natalie stopped. “I think you should let her dictate the terms of your interaction for now.”
    That seemed like a rather extreme response to the situation, which meant things were very fucked up indeed. He shouldn’t have left Caroline alone in that examining room. He shouldn’t have left her at all. Jack put his head in his hands. “She blames me.”
    “Don’t say that. None of us have any idea what she’s gone through the past year, and she’s now recovering from a nasty whack on the head. One that could have killed her,” she added. “Give her time.”
    He lifted his head up. He was the goddamn man at the top. And he’d play that card whenever he needed it. “I want to see her,” he said. “You can’t keep me out of there.”
    “You will see her. But let her have control over this. If she doesn’t want to talk, don’t force her. She’s changed. I never knew her aside from speeches and what you’ve told me but she’s not the same. You can’t walk in there and expect everything to be the way it was.”
    Did she really think he was that foolish? “I wasn’t going to do that.”
    “I’m not saying you would. Just be prepared for whatever comes your way. Don’t get your hopes up.” Natalie squeezed his arm again. “I’m sorry, Jack. I am. And I want you to prepare yourself for what you find, because it’s going to upset you. Hell, I didn’t even know her and I’m a little upset.”
    He hadn’t been able to tell much when they’d been in the interrogation room. “Is it that bad?”
    “She’s angry. Distant. Cold. It was worse than I thought.”
    Jack let out a harsh breath. Natalie was mistaken. She didn’t know Caroline. His wife hated hospitals and had taken her stress out on the nearest medical professional. “Thank you for your concern, Captain. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”
    He stood up. “You’re wrong,” he said. “She wants to see me. I know it.”
    “Please let her friends go in there first. I promised her. I don’t want her to think I’ve breached that trust.” Natalie glared at him. “Don’t do that to me. I want to help her and I can’t do that if you go barging in there before she’s ready.”
    Jack sighed. He’d give her a little something, just this once. “Fine,” he said. “Ten minutes tops. Then I’m going in. You tell them that.”

Chapter Four
    Caroline sat back against the pillows, her eyes closed. She heard a soft knock. “Come in,” she called.
    Jones peeked his head in. “Hey, Princess. How you feeling?”
    She smiled a tiny smile. It was easier to ignore the pain in her head if the guys were with her. “I’m okay. Get in here.”
    The four men shoved through the door, with Jones leading the way. Gabe was instantly at Caroline’s side, sitting down next to the bed.
    “Are you really okay?” he asked, taking her hand.
    “Yeah. Takes more than an asshole with an anger management problem to beat me. I have
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