Phantom Warriors: Riot
Qualla Boundary earlier, circling spots
that would be likely for poachers to set up traps.
    Every year she went out hoping to not find
them and every year she came back disappointed. Some people just
couldn’t abide by the hunting laws. She stood and stomped her feet
to make sure her boots were secure. Nina heard the screen door
creak. It was followed by a loud knock.
    Kim opened the door without waiting for her
to answer. “You ready to go?”
    “Just about.” Nina grabbed her hat and shoved
it on her head, then took in her friend’s outfit with an eye toward
stealth. “If moonlight hits it, they might spot your silver
    Kim’s hands rose to her throat. “Oh, I forgot
all about that. I had to dress up a little since this is supposed
to be my bachelorette party. If hadn’t, Danny would’ve known
something was up.” She winked and flicked the latch on her
necklace. Kim pulled the chain off, gently placing it on Nina’s
table. “How’s that?”
    “Better,” Nina frowned at her friend’s
running shoes. “Where are your boots?”
    “They’re in the car. I couldn’t exactly wear
them out of the house without Danny getting suspicious,” Kim said.
“He was upset enough at the thought that you might’ve hired a male
    Nina snorted. “Could you imagine?”
    Kim shook her head. “No, I can’t.” She made a
gyrating motion with her hips and burst into giggles.
    Nina pointed to the necklace. “Remember to
pick it up before you go home. Don’t want to make Danny jealous for
no reason.”
    Kim chuckled. “Danny doesn’t get jealous. He
just shows all the guys his big gun.”
    Nina laughed. “The last thing we need is him
showing up tonight, waving his big gun around.”
    Her friend flushed. “No, that wouldn’t be
good.” She glanced at her watch. “I can’t stay out all night. He
may not be the jealous type, but he is a cop and I don’t want to
worry him.”
    “We’ll be back in plenty of time for your
curfew,” Nina said.
    Kim swatted at her. “Very funny.”
    Nina pulled a face and Kim laughed
    “Have you given any more thought to that
blind date I told you about last week?” Kim asked.
    The humor fled from Nina’s face. “You know I
don’t have time to date. What with Harold being so sick.”
    Kim looked at her. “You know I love you, so I
don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I think you use
Harold’s illness as an excuse to keep your distance.”
    Nina blanched. “That’s crazy.”
    “Is it, hon? Really?” Kim asked. “I thought
so at first, but then I realized that you were like this before
Harold got sick.”
    “I was not,” Nina said defensively. She’d
been busy building her veterinary practice. That took time away
from everything, including her social life.
    Kim sighed. “I know you’re lonely, NiNi. I’m
your best friend. I know you better than anyone and I’m worried
about you. You can’t keep your life on hold indefinitely.”
    “I’m not.” She sighed. “I won’t.”
    Kim stared at her. “What are you going to do
after my wedding?”
    Pain pinched Nina’s chest. “Work, what
    “There’s more to life than work.”
    Nina forced herself to meet Kim’s knowing
gaze. “I’m fine on my own. You know that.”
    She shook her head. “No, you’re not. That’s
why I hate to see you pushing perfectly nice guys away.”
    Perfectly nice guys? When had she met a
‘perfectly nice guy’? “Are you talking about Rick?”
    “Yes,” Kim said.
    Nina fought the urge to roll her eyes. She’d
met Rick through Kim. He’d ‘accidentally’ bumped into them when
they were out to lunch. The man spent the entire hour discussing
his guns. To be polite, Nina had feigned interest. Rick took it as
encouragement. She’d been dodging him ever since. “I don’t want to
date a Sheriff’s Deputy,” Nina said diplomatically.
    “Then don’t!” Kim said. “But date someone.
Anyone. It’s not healthy to have more contact
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