Perilous Seas

Perilous Seas Read Online Free PDF

Book: Perilous Seas Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dave Duncan
Nordland-born, and he kept the
disorder within some limits with the aid of his five sons, of whom Gathmor was
the youngest. Ogi was fairly sure that Brual must have a few swords tucked away
enough! Not if Kani had truly seen what he had claimed. Not if that second boat
had borne an orca emblem on its sail.
orca was a killer whale, but it meant more than that in Nordland. It meant a
thane’s ship-raiders.
and sweating, Ogi came reeling up the bank and recklessly pushed his way
through the line of blond, bare-chested sailors standing in ghostly silence,
watching what was happening in the moot-stow.
wide space was almost empty, except for the fire and Brual himself, flanked by
the only two of his sons who were in port at the moment, Rathkrun and Gathmor.
Brual had an ax and his sons bore swords. Their shadows stretched long on the
ground behind them.
strangers were striding up from the sea jotnar, of course, recognizable by
their pale skin. They wore metal helmets and leather breeches and boots. They
seemed to be unarmed.
far behind them, an unfamiliar longship glimmered in the darkness on the placid
waters of the bay, and men were wading ashore and lining up along the beach.
Seeing no glint of weapons, Ogi decided that they also were unarmed. They must
be, because their round shields still hung along the low side of that sinister
boat. They wore helmets, though.
group of waders was carrying a hogshead, and another had already been set on
the sand. The ship had anchored, not beached; that was ominous. Yet the barrels
suggested gifts, and might be a hopeful sign.
entire male population of Durthing was there. It seemed to be holding its
three strangers stopped at a safe distance, and the night silence grew deeper
and heavier, as if even the sea and the crickets had stopped to listen. Fear
drifted though the trees like an invisible fog.
ship?” That was Brual, loud and harsh.
stranger in the middle stepped forward one pace from his companions. He was
tall and young and muscular. He was cleanshaven, while they were heavily
Wave. And I am her master, Salthan, son of Ridkrol. “
is your business, Captain?” Brual’s voice was strong, but curiously
asks?” Salthan was quieter, and he seemed completely at ease, although he
was much closer to the ax and the swords than he was to his own crew.
am Brual, son of Gathrun. These are my sons.”
put his fists on his hips and the gesture blazed with arrogance. “We came
in peace, Brual, son of Gathrun, but your manner is beginning to irk me. We
brought some beer to share with you, to exchange, perhaps, for some traditional
jotunnish hospitality? “
fell again. Nobody moved. Perhaps Brual was thinking. Perhaps he was already
admitting disaster.
a man broke out of the crowd around the edges and ran a few steps forward and
stopped, ill lit by the blaze of the bonfire. Almost alone in the whole crowd,
he was dark-haired.
lies! “ the newcomer shouted. “His name is not Salthan! He is
Kalkor, the thane of Gark.”
entire male population of Durthing seemed to draw breath in the same instant.
Ogi heard a low moan, and realized that it came from himself.
the faun picked a quarrel, he picked a good one.
stranger let the tension grow until Ogi wanted to scream. Then he said the
inevitable: “Who calls me a liar?”
was Gathmor who answered, without turning his head to look.
is a thrall. If you would answer the charge, then answer it to me, who owns
hire. “
not true!” Rap yelled shrilly. “You freed me!” And he went
stalking forward defiantly until he stood at Gathmor’s side.
Ogi had no doubts at all that the faun had spoken the truth, however he knew
it, and this was the most notorious raider on the four oceans-Kalkor seemed
more amused than ever.
this a three-way
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