Perfect Fit

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Book: Perfect Fit Read Online Free PDF
Author: Naima Simone
her. The hot afternoon sun beamed down on the walking trail next to the Charles River, highlighting the lighter shades of brown in his hair. The dark curls were long enough to form a sexy cap around his well-shaped head, but short enough to emphasize his patrician features. In a nutshell, he looked like the gorgeous Roman emperor he most likely descended from.
    But the impression didn’t stop with his appearance. His commanding presence, confident tilt of his chin, long-legged stride—they all attested to a man accustomed to leading and inspiring others to follow. The man had established a clothing empire that dominated the northwest and western markets. That kind of success took a special kind of grit and determination, not to mention brilliance.
    And to top it all off, he could fuck like he’d invented it.
    “C’mon, Rowyn.” He tipped his half-eaten strawberry ice-cream cone in her direction. “’Fess up. You’re enjoying yourself. You took a day off work, and the world’s market didn’t crash, California didn’t plummet into the sea, and the earth’s core didn’t implode.”
    She pulled a face. “Fine. It hasn’t sucked.”
    Darius laughed, the sound low and earthy. She couldn’t help but smile in return. The day hadn’t stunk, she admitted, swiping her tongue over the banana ice cream that topped her sugar cone. It had been wonderful. Though Rowyn had been ready to wipe the floor with him that morning, her anger had soon given way to the secret thrill of being with him.
    In that dark, hidden place that could only be accessed after several glasses of wine, she owned up to a shameful delight that he’d taken the choice of spending the day with him out of her hands. He’d made her concede to the desire that her heart hungered for but her head denied.
    That thought would undoubtedly get her Women’s Lib card revoked, but Darius overrode all rational decision making.
    They’d spent hours visiting such tourist traps as Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Fenway Park—she shuddered—the Bull & Finch Pub, better known as the Cheers bar, as well as the many shops and stores along Newbury Street. Even though she’d lived in Boston all her life, it had been years since she’d taken the leisure time to explore and enjoy her hometown. Not only was she seeing the historical landmarks and colorful sights through Darius’s eyes, but through her own as well.
    Something else to thank him for.
    “Thank you,” Darius said as he studied the quaint shops, vendors, and buildings that edged the banks of the Charles River before bringing his gaze back to her. He lifted his arm and stroked his free hand down the long tail of hair that brushed her shoulder blades. She fought to not close her eyes at the gentle caress and the small tug on her scalp that reverberated in her belly. In that moment, she was thankful she’d chosen the more casual ponytail over the professional chignon. “The most experienced tour guide couldn’t have treated me to the day you have.”
    Rowyn shrugged, and pleasure at his praise coursed through her like a slow-moving current. This time she didn’t ignore the fluttering in her stomach; she’d stopped that futile exercise hours ago.
    “Blackmail aside,” she drawled, “I’m glad I came. I’d forgotten how beautiful and fun Boston could be.” Memories overwhelmed her, as if the lock that had contained them had been picked and the mental images sprang free. A steel band constricted her chest, and Rowyn fought to drag air in her lungs. “The last time I walked this trail was with my father. We’d spent the day together celebrating my fifteenth birthday.”
    “Are you close?” Darius asked, popping the last bite of his cone in his mouth.
    “Were,” Rowyn corrected. And the pain that throbbed in her heart vibrated in her voice. “He died eight years ago.”
    “Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured and reached out toward her. His larger hand engulfed her smaller one and held it tight. “I’m so
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