“Oh yeah,” Becca said. “He t old her that she should let us do PO Ed.”
“No wonder she was so mad when we left.”
There was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” Sammy called, brushing the crumbs off her bed.
Daddy came into the room. “Mom told me what happened,” he said. “Do you have anything to say?”
“I ’m sorry,” Sammy said. “I shouldn’t have made her worry like that. I shouldn’t have disobeyed.”
“You are saying the right words, Sammy, but I don ’t feel like you mean them.”
“I do,” Sammy said. “I ’m sorry.”
“Your Mom thinks that spending the evening in your room and no dinner was enough punishment. I don ’t think it was enough.” Daddy went to Sammy’s nightstand and took her book. He went to her bookshelf and took the rest of The Great Brain books. “I’m keeping these for a week,” he said.
“Daddy!” Sammy said, losing her cool. “Can you just spank me?”
“You are too old to be spanked,” Daddy said. “Besides, I don’t think it is an effective form of punishment for you.”
“Dad, I ’m really sorry,” Sammy said. “I truly am. I won’t do it again.”
“I know you won ’t,” he said. He gave Sammy a kiss on the top of the head. He gave one to Becca too. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth before you go the bed. I’ll be back for lights out at 9:00.” Daddy tucked the books under one arm and left.
Sammy waited until the door was closed. “A whole week?” she groaned. “I was in the middle of a really good part. Those were my only new books!”
“You can borrow one of my Narnia books,” Becca offered.
“You ’re still on the first one.”
“I ’ll try to finish it tonight.”
“Wait,” Sammy said, brightening. “I do have something new to read!” She rolled onto her stomach, reached under the mattress and pulled out the brochure. The glossy paper had the Peace Out logo on the front and a picture of a happy white-haired couple. Sammy smoothed out the wrinkles. “I had to fold it up to get it into my back pocket,” she said.
Becca plopped down next to her and they pored over the brochure.
“Peace Out Bellingham is a natural death Center,” Sammy read. “No chemicals or caskets are used. If the applicant so desires, his or her remains will be buried beneath a fruit tree.”
“Corpse fruit!” Becca exclaimed.
“Shush,” said Sammy. She continued reading, “Peace Out Produce is sold at farmer ’s markets across the state of Washington and is an important part of meals served at the Center.” Sammy turned to the next page and continued.
“Peace Out requires applicants to remain at the Center a minimum of seven days before Peacing Out. During that time, you will meet regularly with a Facilitator, who will help you determine whether Peace Out is the right option for you.”
“Owen is a Facilitator,” recalled Becca. “That is what it said on his card.”
Sammy flipped to the back page. “Bellingham is the original Peace Out Center and the former home of Daniel and Elizabeth Keller, founders of the Peace Out movement. Opened in 2027, Peace Out Bellingham is now one of sixty Centers across the country. The Kellers supervised the growth of Peace Out until 2038, when they Peaced Out together. The Keller Trust continues to provide free access to Facilitation for any who are seeking to Peace Out.” Sammy folded up the brochure. “That ’s them on the cover,” she said, tapping the white-haired couple.
“She looks a little like Grandma,” Becca said.
“Yeah,” Sammy said. She tore the brochure into tiny pieces.
Are you going to Peace Out? Is there something you want to do before you go? Then call Bucket List. Bucket List specializes in wish fulfillment. Want to perform for a full house at Madison Square Garden? Want to have dinner with your favorite celebrity? Want to be treated like a celebrity? Let us help you make it