Passion's Prey: The Shadow Shifters

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Book: Passion's Prey: The Shadow Shifters Read Online Free PDF
Author: A.C. Arthur
seat and X slipped inside the truck.
    Zach nodded just as Caprise slapped her palms against the back windows. The doors had been locked the moment she was put inside. As trained guards both Seth and Zach knew the drill; besides, they both also knew Caprise. She was hell on wheels—the shadow hellion, as they’d taken to calling her when neither X, Nick, nor Rome was around. For the most part all the shadows at Havenway thought she should be locked away on a daily basis.
    Tonight, X figured, he’d be giving them all a welcome reprieve.
    “Stop banging on my windows,” he told her as he backed out of the alley.
    “You’re a jerk,” she spat.
    X thought a minute before responding. He didn’t blame her; he wanted to curse and roar over his actions in her dressing room as well. He’d lost control. And X never lost control. If there was one thing he’d learned in all his years, it was to always remain in command of the situation. It was deadly not to. Yet with Caprise … it wouldn’t happen again, he vowed.
    Instead he replied lightly, “Funny, you weren’t saying that about fifteen minutes ago.”
    “I wasn’t being kidnapped fifteen minutes ago,” she shot back.
    He caught her eye in the rearview mirror and stared. There was more he wanted to say, but his body was too busy warring with his mind for that coveted control he knew he possessed.
    She didn’t break eye contact. That would be too submissive for Caprise. No, she would meet him round for round, blow for blow, whether it be a verbal battle or a sexual one. X admired that about her, even though he was sure she didn’t know that.
    *   *   *
    She didn’t want to be with him, not a second longer. Giving in was a temptation, one that had been taunting her for weeks. She’d imagined how good a lover Xavier would be—because she’d known right off the bat he would be good. Something about his thick build, his muscled body, and that fuck-you attitude he wore like one of his tattoos had told her sex would just be another one of those things he did amazingly well.
    And her intuition hadn’t been wrong. He’d been hard and fast and potent, all the components she loved when it came to releasing her own sexual frustration.
    For some women it was about candlelight and roses. For Caprise, who had learned long ago that romance was definitely for the birds, it was all about instant gratification. X had given her just that. Her release had come like a bullet out of the air, fierce and deadly as it hit her head-on. Her body had trembled and shook with pleasure and then it was over. Simple as that. His high-handed treatment later was over-the-top and she planned to show him that she wasn’t the type of female to tolerate such actions. But she hadn’t had the chance. He’d thrown her through a damn window then had her stuffed in the back of this humongous truck—which by the way fit X’s big bad attitude to a T.
    She wanted to jump out and return to Havenway, but that was most likely suicidal considering how fast he was driving.
    “You always kidnap women after sex?” she asked, mainly because she’d begun to calm down and accept that he’d probably saved them from a lethal attack. She sat back against the seat and looked out the tinted windows at the evening streets of DC.
    “You always ignore the scent of your enemy planning a sneak attack?” was his comeback. It figured it was another question instead of an answer, the bastard.
    “I work in a strip joint, there’re a lot of stenches going around in there. Besides, I don’t have any enemies that would want to attack me.” There was an air of untruth to her words, but she ignored that little tidbit of information.
    “There were Rogues in that place. Is that normal? Do you know any of them? Since you work there and all.”
    He could be snide and ignorant and a pompous ass. But he was a damn good fighter. Caprise knew this because Rome would never have made him second-in-command if he wasn’t.
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