Passionate Ink

Passionate Ink Read Online Free PDF

Book: Passionate Ink Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jan Springer
Tags: Erótica
human flesh. His cock was so engorged and a little sore too, but enduring the needles piercing his tender tissue had been worth it.
    “This tattoo lube will help prevent infection and promote healing. It has all natural ingredients like vitamin E and aloe vera to help heal.”
    Her voice was shaky. He hoped she would be all right. He would like to stay and keep her company, to soothe her, but he didn’t wish to frighten her any more due to the fact he could barely keep his hands to himself and all he wanted to do was touch her.
    “Before you leave, I’ll give you more instructions plus your own tube of lube. Because it’s a bamboo tattoo, you’ll have to wait only one hour before you can take a swim or go out in the sun. It’ll be healed in a day.”
    He nodded. He’d done his homework on bamboo tattooing and it was different than getting a machine tat.
    “Because this technique allows the needles to barely break the skin to get the color and there’s minimal damage, you’ll be ready to have another one in a day or two. The pain is temporary and as you can see the detailing is very accurate and lifelike.”
    “You sound surprised,” he teased.
    She tried to smile, but it came off wobbly. She still hadn’t fully recuperated from her mind clicking out. Understandable.
    “And it barely hurts.”
    She smiled, obviously pleased. “Well, at least I’m not using bamboo thorns like the ancient cultures did.”
    She covered his cock with the paper drape, removed her gloves, tossed them into a wastebasket, and then handed him the bamboo pole she’d used on him, minus the needles, which she’d thrown into a nearby hazard container. “For you. A souvenir. I never use the same bamboo pole twice. It cuts out cross contamination in my work space.”
    “Thanks.” It would be a very nice souvenir. His first tattoo, one of many he hoped, by his mate. She wheeled her chair away from between his legs then stood. She stretched like a cat, her arms and hands going up into the air, her lush breasts poking against a work apron which covered the front of her blouse and dropped to mid-thigh.
    “I’ll leave you to get dressed,” she said. “Meet me be back out in the main foyer and we’ll schedule you in.”
    She turned and briskly left the room.
    Having her out of his sight brought a sadness he’d never experienced before, but the Ancients had said this would be expected. Once she turned, the intensity of their need for each other would only increase. It was the way of their species. One of many built-in procreation instincts that kept mates close to each other, so others of their species had less chance of trying to move in on one’s mate.
    He shifted his legs from the stirrups. They were quite understandably sore and stiff from lack of movement, and suddenly he craved his tentacles and some leisurely swimming through the fluidity of the water. It was much easier living in the ocean depths. Then all his limbs were loose and limber. He couldn’t wait for her to turn so she could join him and experience instinctual mating. But he would have to wait. He sighed with frustration and headed to the bathroom to retrieve his clothing.
    * * * * *
    “Are you serious?” Catalina’s friend Misty gasped for the tenth time as Catalina continued to relay what had happened to her while she’d been tattooing Calder. They’d been lying on their bellies for an hour, upon their air mattresses, on the almost-secluded, white sandy beach behind Cat’s RV, soaking up some late-evening sunshine.
    “You blanked out?”
    Concern marred her friend’s features and Catalina regretted having confessed. Misty would only worry. She was like that. She worried about every little thing.
    “I think you should see my doctor. Maybe you’ve got a brain tumor or something.”
    Oh for heaven’s sake. Yep, she definitely shouldn’t have shared what had happened.
    “No I don’t have a brain tumor, Misty. It was some kind of artistic high.
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