Party Girl

Party Girl Read Online Free PDF

Book: Party Girl Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rachel Hollis
after me.
    I hurry off in the direction that Miko has pointed out and find myself next to the kitchen and a doorway I hadn’t really noticed yesterday. I open the heavy door and realize it’s actually the entrance to a large workroom, nearly half the size of the entire office.
    Nirvana is wafting out of a small wireless speaker on a far table, and several guys are unpacking what looks like the leftover accessories from an event. I pause for a moment, unsure of who to ask. Most of the men are on the other side of the room and one guy is unloading a crate nearby, so I head towards him. He’s in black jeans, a black T-shirt, and black leather Converse. His arms are cut around perfect lean muscle, each with a full sleeve of tattoos, and even from back here he looks like the lead singer of your favorite band. He must hear me tapping over in my heels because he turns around, and I’m surprised at how young he is. He’s got dark-brown hair and chocolaty eyes, and he’s definitely rocking a sort of sexy bad-boy look. If I were into the whole Adam Levine thing, I’d probably be drooling right now.
    “Can I help you with something?” He smiles down at me, and I hear a little southern twang that somehow softens his sharper edges. I wonder where he’s from.
    “I’m so sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for Taylor. Can you help me?”
    He stares at my face more intently; I wonder if he hears my accent too. I fight the urge to fluff my hair.
    “I’d love to help you,” he drawls. “Why don’t you tell me what you need him for?”
    What is he, the door guard? I don’t have time to waste with twenty questions, and I don’t want to flirt. I just want to borrow a laptop.
    “I just need to speak with your boss. Can you tell me where Taylor is?”
    He sets down the glass vase he’s holding on the table behind him.
    “I’m a little confused—” he starts.
    “And I don’t want to be rude, but this is already taking way longer than it’s supposed to. Can you please just point me towards the head of production?” I look around the room trying to figure out who that might be. “I just need to borrow a laptop for the day, so if you could tell me who is in charge here . . .”
    His smile has turned into a full-on grin now.
    “I could have fun with this moment, I really could,” he says conversationally. “But alas, it’d take too long and you’d get into trouble and you’d hate me and then we’d never be friends.” He sighs dramatically. “Come on, I’ll get you set up with something.” He starts to walk to the door, and I scurry after him.
    “Wait! Are you sure you’re allowed to do this?”
    “I’m sure,” he says as I fall in step next to him.
    “What if Taylor finds out. Will you be OK?”
    He chuckles and comes to an abrupt halt just past the kitchen. I do too.
    “Like I said, I’d love to draw this out into some epic game of tease-the-new-girl, but I think my manners are already dangerously lacking. I should have done this when you first walked into the room.” He sticks out his hand to me. “I’m Bennett Taylor, but everyone’s called me Taylor since peewee football, so you can too.” He gives me a cheeky smile, and I wonder how many girls have fallen for that grin since peewee football.
    I take his hand in my own and smile back. How is this guy anyone’s boss? He can’t be older than thirty, but then, I guess, not many people at this company are. Everyone here has one thing in common, though. They may have different styles, different ethnicities, and different backgrounds, but they’re all the coolest people you’ve ever met, and this guy is definitely one of them.
    “I’m Landon Brinkley. Nice to meet you.”
    We turn and keep walking.
    “How exactly were you going to pull off the epic game?” I ask after a second.
    “Oh, ya know, misdirection, misadventure . . . Almost all my ideas centered on telling you that Big Pretty was the boss just to watch you embarrass
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