Paris After Dark

Paris After Dark Read Online Free PDF

Book: Paris After Dark Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jordan Summers
galleries, patisseries and used bookstores lined the quaint French street that bordered St Germain-des-Prés and the Latin Quarter. Gabriel found a cafe he liked, then quickly deposited her in a seat.
    “That wasn’t necessary,” Rachel said, shaking her head to ease the dizziness. Her arm ached and her body trembled. If she’d been throwing up this whole time, Rachel would’ve thought she’d caught the flu. She rubbed her arm. Maybe she was experiencing side effects from the tetanus shot she’d been given. It had happened before. Or it could be the bite.
    Gabriel gave her an entirely too male condescending look. “Obviously it was necessary, if you haven’t even bothered to eat today.”
    “Give me a break,” she said. “I just got up.”
    His long lashes shuttered his eyes. “What?”
    “Up until – ” she glanced at her watch “– an hour ago, I thought it was morning. I slept all day. Getting mugged takes it out of me, I guess.”
    His frown deepened.
    “I’m sure it’s nothing,” she assured him. “Probably just coming down with something. They did all the important tests at the hospital. The guy didn’t have HIV, according to the doctor. Never thought to have them check for rabies.”
    Gabriel’s lips twitched. “It’s doubtful he had rabies.”
    Rachel smiled, happy that she’d been able to relieve the worry she’d seen on his face moments ago. “I’m sure once I eat I’ll be all right.”
    Gabriel sat forwards. “You’re sure it was him?”
    Her grin faded. “I’ve been a cop for fifteen years. My job has made me good at remembering details. It was him.”
    His expression turned pensive once more.
    Rachel squeezed his hand. It was cool to the touch, but warmed quickly. “I’m sorry I accused you of selling me out.”
    Gabriel shook his head and dark hair fell over one eye. She brushed it back, her fingers lingering longer than necessary. He was watching her carefully, but he didn’t try to pull away. The tension between them rose, but this time it had nothing to do with discussing her attacker. It had been easy to ignore the simmering attraction between them the first time, given the circumstances, but now there was no denying it.
    He cleared his throat. “You better order. I need to get you back to the hotel so you can rest. You’ve been through a lot.”
    “Yeah.” Rachel glanced away. She couldn’t believe how bold she’d been. She never made moves on men, especially men she didn’t know. Rachel wondered what she would’ve done had Gabriel responded in kind. From the look on his face, she could tell he’d been tempted, but he hadn’t acted. Instead, Gabriel had remained chivalrous to his core.
    A lot of predators sought victims by gaining their trust. Even as the thought fluttered through her cop brain, Rachel knew that wasn’t the case here. Gabriel had been just as shocked by her attacker’s audacity as she’d been. She’d seen it in his eyes before he’d carefully schooled his expression. Now he was brooding. Or at least he had been until she’d touched him.
    Rachel had felt his muscles lock under her fingertips, but for some reason she couldn’t stop herself. She’d wanted to feel his hair since he’d taken her to the hospital. It had looked so soft, so tempting. She forced her traitorous gaze away from his rough-hewn face.
    “Aren’t you going to eat?” she asked, staring at the menu like she could understand French.
    “Later,” he said. “The French don’t dine this early, only tourists do.” Gabriel grinned at her, then caught the waiter’s attention.
    “I’ll have beef stew. You do have beef stew, right?” she asked.
    “Oui, madame ,” the waiter said.
    “And bring us a bottle of house red,” Gabriel added.
    “I don’t think I can drink anything.” Rachel looked at Gabriel. “I’m not even sure I’m going to be able to eat.”
    He touched her forehead. “You’re a little warm. How are you feeling?”
    “For how
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