
Paranormalcy Read Online Free PDF

Book: Paranormalcy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kiersten White
really. After the night I had, the last thing I wanted was a lecture.
    â€œOut. Now.”
    I walked past her, turning my head to glance back at Lend. He winked at me and I couldn’t help but smile.
    Instead of going to my room, I made my way to Central Processing. It was still early but that’s another great thing about Lish: she doesn’t sleep. I loved Central Processing. Unlike the rest of the Center, it didn’t look sterile. The entire room was a circle, with desks placed against the wall and everything based around Lish’s gorgeous aquarium. About fifty feet in diameter, it was fifteen feet high and a perfect circle. They even managed to transplant a living coral reef, complete with tropical fish in the crystal blue water. Way better than my unit.
    Lish was staring at the series of screens that lined the front of the tank. She was like the ultimate personal assistant. No sick days, no vacations, no sleep, and she wanted tobe there. A lot of the paranormals couldn’t be trusted with too much. Even though they’re neutered, most of them harbor a bit of resentment toward IPCA because of the loss of freedom. But Lish loved her job. She was in charge of scheduling, monitoring, transports, you name it. Girl knew everything.
    Apparently not today, though. Her green eyes widened with interest when I walked up to the tank. I smiled. “What’s up, Lish?”
    â€œHow are you feeling? Are you okay after last night?”
    Lish knew me better than anyone else at the Center. Raquel was in charge of me, but she was hard to talk to about feelings. After all, when the main way you communicate is through sighs, it makes it hard to relate to teens. Lish understood how bad a new run-in with Reth would mess me up. I could (and did) talk with her about everything.
    â€œBeen better. Didn’t sleep.”
    Lish tried to swear—which is always funny, because the computer won’t translate it. It went something like this: “Bleep stupid bleep bleep faeries and their bleep bleep bleep obsessions. He had better stop bleep bleep bleep the bleep bleep rules or I will bleep bleep bleep the little bleeeeeeeeeeep.” All in a completely robotic monotone. Awesome. Lish could really get going sometimes. I loved her for it; she was like the big sister I never had. The big sister who happened to be shiny green and covered in scales,with a long, finned tail and webbed hands. But she was beautiful in her way.
    I laughed. The robot voice tirades always cheered me up. “Okay, you bleep bleep do that.” She shook her head, still mad about Reth. Something on one of her screens took her attention and she waved her webbed hands in front of it for a few minutes. I wasn’t sure how all the tech worked in there, but it always looked cool.
    Once she was done, she looked back at me. “So, tell me about what happened yesterday with the break-in.”
    â€œWhat don’t you know?” Lish was usually the font of all information. Granted, most of that information was classified, but we were best friends. We told secrets, and kept them, too. Like the time when I was twelve and the Center was processing a load of pixies. Lish knew how badly I wanted to see them and slipped me the when and where information—even though Raquel had grounded me for wandering off on a bag-and-tag mission. Too bad pixies turned out to be dirty, ugly little things, even their wings coated with mucous. Yet another cartoon dream shattered.
    â€œThey are not releasing much intel. What is it?” She looked worried.
    â€œDon’t know. I’ve never seen anything like him. Neither has Raquel.”
    â€œWhy was he here?”
    â€œDon’t know again. I caught him in Raquel’s office, but he hasn’t said why.”
    â€œAnd he can take the appearance of anyone?”
    â€œYup. Pretty freaky when you’re standing there talking to yourself.”
    A small, wheezing laugh sounded. I
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