Book: PAGAN ADVERSARY Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sara Craven
Tags: Romance, Comics & Graphic Novels, Graphic Novels
a new wardrobe—go perhaps for a cruise round the
    world—meet someone who would make you glad that you are
    young—and without encumbrances.'
    'God, you're insulting!' Harriet muttered between her teeth.
    The dark brows rose in exaggerated surprise. 'Why? Because I imply
    that if you had more time to yourself, you would have little difficulty
    in attracting a man? I am paying you a compliment.'
    .'Not as far as I'm concerned. Oddly enough, I quite like my life—and
    my present wardrobe. Marriage isn't the be-all and end-all in my life.'
    He smiled. 'So I was right,' he said lazily. 'You are afrayi of men.'
    'That's ridiculous!'
    'What is more,' he said slowly, his eyes never leaving her face, 'you
    are afraid of me.'
    'Nonsense!' said Harriet with a robust conviction she was far from
    His smile widened. His eyes travelled slowly downwards, over the
    soft swell of her breasts, rising and falling more quickly than she
    could control under the crisp blouse, then on down to the smooth line
    of her thighs outlined by the cling of the trim navy skirt, then back,
    swiftly, to her face where spots of outraged colour were now burning
    in each cheek.
    He said very softly, 'And all this because I—look. What would you do
    if I touched?'
    'Nothing at all,' said Harriet very quickly. 'I'm not afraid, Mr Marcos,
    just not interested. I expect in your own circle, you find that women
    are pushovers. Probably a lot of very wealthy men find the same
    thing. But I don't belong to your circle, I'm not bothered about your
    money—and frankly, Mr Marcos, you leave me cold.' She paused,
    aware that her breathing was constricted, and that there was an odd
    tightening in her throat.
    She saw the amusement fade from his eyes, to be replaced by
    something deeper and more dangerous, saw a muscle jerk in his
    cheek, and wished desperately that she'd kept quiet. But it was too
    late to retract or even apologise. He was already reaching for her, his
    hands not gentle as they pulled her across his hard body.
    He said something quietly in his own language, and then he bent his
    head, putting his mouth on hers with an almost soulless precision.
    At first she fought, her lips clamped tight against any deeper invasion,
    but even then she was aware of other factors subtly undermining her
    instinctive resistance. Her hands were imprisoned helplessly between
    their bodies, her palms flat against the wall of his chest, deepening
    her consciousness of his warm muscularity. The scent of his skin was
    in her nostrils, emphasised by the faint muskiness of some cologne. If
    she opened her eyes he would fill her vision, and they seemed
    enveloped in a cone of silence broken only by their own uneven
    breathing. Harriet had been kissed before, but she had never before
    known a domination overpowering her every sense. Ultimately, she
    had always known she was in control.
    Yet now -- Her lips parted on a little sigh of capitulation that had
    nothing to do with coercion suddenly, because she was as eager as he
    was, as greedy for the deeper intimacy he was already seeking, his
    teeth grazing the softness of her inner lip, his tongue delicately and
    erotically exploring all the soft moist contours of her mouth.
    Gently his hand freed the blouse from her waistband, and his warm
    fingers moved caressingly on her back, tracing the length of her spine
    with a featherlight touch that had her arching against him in unspoken
    For the first time in her life, Harriet knew need, knew the simple and
    unequivocal ache for fulfilment. And knew how easy it would be to
    release the last hold on sanity and let herself drift inevitably on this
    warm tide of pleasure.
    And then from the corner, behind the sheltering screen she heard a
    small whimpering cry, 'Harry!'
    Nicky was awake,, and suddenly so was she—jolted out of her
    dangerous dream and back in reality.
    Alex Marcos had heard the child too. He was no longer holding her so
    tightly, and she was able to sit
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