
Origins Read Online Free PDF

Book: Origins Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mark Henrikson
minutes passed before Frank radioed back.  “I’ve pinpointed where the differential ends.  The entrance is about three miles from the pyramids in the Garden City district of Cairo.  It’s nestled somewhere among a cluster of warehouses.”
    Alex immediately reached for the keys to the truck.  “I’m driving.”
    “Shotgun,” Professor Russell called.
    “Now hold on just a minute,” Dr. Andre cautioned.  “People own those warehouses.  You cannot just go breaking into their property because you are curious.  There are laws and procedures that need to be followed.  There are people who must be notified.”
    “You’re right.  Professor Russell and I can’t do it alone, but the three of us could.” Alex suggested.
    Before Dr. Andre could protest the professor added his thoughts on the matter.  “We’re not necessarily talking about trespassing here.  If it’s in the open we’re good to go.  If the tunnel entrance is inside a building we can simply make up a story and ask the occupants if we can have a look around.”
    “And what if they do not buy this hypothetical cover story?” Dr. Andre challenged.  “If the occupant knows their building conceals a secret entrance to a tunnel that has been hidden for who knows how long, I am quite certain they will not be receptive to random visitors.”
    “It doesn’t hurt to drive three miles to find out,” the professor concluded.  Dr. Andre could only nod in agreement.  “To be frank though, if we’re told to get lost I am not above trespassing. 
    Dr. Andre seemed upset at Professor Russell’s criminal side and was about to vocalize his feelings when Alex jumped back into the conversation.  “Going through official channels could take months or years.  That’d give whoever owns that entrance time to block us.  For all we know they’re connected well enough in the government to fend off our requests indefinitely.  We need to act now before any adversaries have time to prepare.  This is too important.”
    Professor Russell didn’t wait for further discussion.  He grabbed the microphone off the desk.  “Frank.  I need you to document the precise coordinates of the tunnel entrance and transmit them to my GPS device.  Oh, and we don’t want to draw too much attention to this just yet so return to the airstrip once we have the coordinates.  Nothing says we’re onto you like a hovering helicopter overhead.”
    “By God those are the sweetest words I have ever heard spoken.  Forget kissing the ground when I land, I am going full out make love to it.” Frank proclaimed.
    Considering the plan a go, Professor Russell and Alex walked toward the tent door.  “Now let’s gather some tools and get in the truck - quickly.”
    Dr. Andre stood motionless for a few seconds.  The distressed look on his face was back.  “I concede your point that we need to act fast and keep this information confined to a limited circle; however, what if something happens to us over there?  This discovery might be lost.”
    “Frank will know and be able to tell the story.”
    “Right.  Well as much as I love having that foulmouthed clown as my backup plan I am afraid my answer is still no,” Dr Andre challenged.
    All was silent in the tent for a set of heartbeats before Alex piped up with a compromise.  “Here’s how I see it.  The professor and I are concerned about not letting anyone else know about the chamber just yet.  Your concern is someone needs to know in case anything bad happens.  Right?”
    “Right,” Dr. Andre and the professor responded in stereo.
    “How about this,” Alex continued as she pointed toward Dr. Andre.  “Your boss is out of town until next week.  Why don’t you leave him a voice mail detailing what we’ve found?  If the three of us are successful today, there’ll be no harm done.  Otherwise the information will reach your organization when he returns to the office.”
    “That will be satisfactory,” Dr.
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