Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal

Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal Read Online Free PDF

Book: Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joshua Hoyt
“It’s very important that you tell me everything.”
    He looked back to her not knowing what to say. The car stopped. Tom fell back hard against the seat and shook his head as if coming out of a daze.
    Kristiana smiled at him and said, “It was just a nightmare, nothing more than that.”
    He wasn’t so sure about that. 
    John opened the door and got out of the car. The dream left as he faced the new wonders ahead.
    Tom stared at the mansion. “This place is huge!”
    John smiled at Tom. “Let’s go, time to see your new home.”
    They walked up stone stairs that led to two double doors that stood open. The two men that stood in front of the doors had black suits on with high boots that came up to their knees. One had a huge axe strapped to his back while the other looked to be unarmed. They stood with their backs to the wall and looked off into space as if they were the only ones around.
    Tom turned looking at the graveled driveway circling around a fountain. The fountain was of a maiden holding a bow at the ready standing on a ball. Water splashed into the pond beneath.
    John beckoned. “This way.”
    Tom staggered up the stairs following John and Kristiana. A huge balcony overlooked the stairs. The railing was made of granite and looked as smooth as glass. Two flags, stuck into the side of the balcony, were waving softly on the cool breeze. The flags were white with a golden crown and two crossed swords in the center.  Four pillars held the balcony up, each made of grey granite, and around the bases roaring lions had been carved. Tom felt as if the lions were warning him that he had to be on his best behavior.
    Tom looked closer at the lions and their eyes seemed to study him intently. He felt as if they could see right through him, into his very soul. He hurried past.
    The guards paid him little heed and he entered through the double doors into the entryway. His feet slid on the black marble. Looking up at the walls he wondered who the paintings were of. Looking to the right and left he saw two huge rooms that appeared to be sitting rooms. The staircase leading up in front of him went up about ten feet then split to join again at the landing above.
    Tom was surprised to see a painting of the young man he had met in the alley. Tom felt a renewed trust in the man. In the painting he wore a white suit and a crown that looked similar to the one on the flag outside. Tom pointed at the picture and asked, “Who’s that?”
    Kristiana looked up at the painting and with a small smile, replied, “That’s Archelaus.”  She bounded up the stairs.
    John looked at the painting. “You must remember one rule if you wish to survive this house. What he tells you to do, you do, no questions, no ifs, ands, or buts, just do it,” John said.
    Tom nodded and started up the stairs but stopped when John grabbed his shoulder. He turned and John pointed to one of the side rooms. “This way.”
    Tom stepped off the staircase, looking over his shoulder one last time at the painting of Archelaus. He followed John into the sitting room and then toward an oak door which swung open on its own. He jumped and John snickered. Tom blushed and looked at the ground.
    John looked over at him and hit him in the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, it catches all the new comers off guard.”
    The two went through the door and down a long hallway that was lined with more oak doors smaller than the automatic door. As they walked down the long hall he wondered how big the house was. Finally, they came to a closed door at the end of the hallway.
    John looked at Tom and motioned for him to enter. Tom opened the heavy oak door and looked inside. A man was sitting at a desk busily writing something in a book.
    “Come in and close the door,” the man said in a brusque voice. He continued writing as Tom entered the large room. “Sit down.”
    Tom hurried to the only other chair in the room that sat in front of the large wooden desk. There were
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