Oracle's Moon

Oracle's Moon Read Online Free PDF

Book: Oracle's Moon Read Online Free PDF
Author: Thea Harrison
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Adult
of Louisville demanded it.
    Grace, Chloe and Max lived in the sprawling, old farmhouse where Grace had grown up. The house had been in the Andreas family ever since they had come to the States. It sat on a five-acre stretch of land that bordered the Ohio River. By inter-demesne law, the entire property was supposed to be a place of sanctuary for all who came to consult with the Oracle, and the Oracle had the obligation to welcome all petitioners.
    But the Oracle should have been either Grace’s grandmother or her sister, Petra. Grace had never really believed that the Power would pass to her. Ever since the accident, she had been close to chucking away an ancient family heritage that had spanned thousands of years, but she’d held on to the impulse so far.
    So when the knock came in the middle of the night, Grace opened the door. She found Carling Severan, Rune Ainissesthai, and Khalil standing on her doorstep. Carling was one of the most Powerful witches in the world, a Vampyre, and she had once been Queen of the Nightkind. She was also newly retired from her most recent role as Councillor on the Elder tribunal. Her partner, Rune, was not just any Wyr. He was a gryphon, and he had been First sentinel for the Wyr demesne, although he too had just recently retired.
    Then there was their companion, the Djinn. Khalil Somebody Important.
    It almost sounded like the setup of a classic joke. Do you know what happens when a Vampyre, a Wyr and a Djinn walk into your house…? Only Grace found out that the punch line wasn’t funny.
    Max’s illness was one of the reasons why she had tried so hard to persuade Carling, Rune and Khalil to come back at a more reasonable hour, but they couldn’t be dissuaded. At least Carling had healed Max’s ear infection before formally petitioning to speak to the Oracle.
    Thankfully, nighttime petitions to consult the Oracle were rare. When they did occur, they tended to involve matters of some urgency. Such was the case with Carling and Rune. Rune had been wounded, and apparently their mission was urgent, and shit just sometimes happened.
    The shit that had happened this morning just before daybreak had been big and bad enough to attract some of the most Powerful creatures on the North American continent. All but one of the seven Elder tribunal Councillors had converged in a tense confrontation with Carling and Rune. Two of the seven demesne rulers—Dragos Cuelebre, dragon and Lord of the Wyr from New York, and Julian Regillus, Vampyre King of the Nightkind demesne from San Francisco—had also been present.
    Catching sight of the dragon that had filled up the back meadow before he shapeshifted into his human form—now that had been a helluva kick in the head.
    Nothing Grace had ever seen on television or in movies or in her own imagination could have prepared her for the sight of the dragon in real life.
    She had already been struggling. She’d had the sleepless night with Max. Then she summoned the Power of the Oracle in an intense session with Carling and Rune that had left her with a blackout of blank time in her head. And to top it all off, Rune had shoved Carling—he had meant to get her out of danger, but Grace had been in the way. Carling had fallen into her, and Grace had been knocked on her ass hard enough to jar her whole body.
    And things kept going from weird to worse, like some sort of high-speed hallucinogenic car chase. Picking herself up after the fall, Grace had watched from one side, largely unnoticed, as the scene unfolded.
    She hadn’t understood everything the group discussed. For some reason, Carling was under a death sentence. Then the Elder tribunal decided to put her in quarantine instead. Except Grace was pretty sure Carling didn’t have anything contagious. Where the tribunal would hold Carling was also under some debate. Grace couldn’t figure out if the tribunal meant to put Carling in a hospital or a jail.
    To complicate things, Rune had also taken
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