Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2)

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Book: Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lucy Gage
obvious?” He nodded. “Theresa Solomon.”
    “That kitten? She's harmless.” The longer he spoke, the more she could hear a slight tinge of femininity in his voice. He tried to hide it, but it was there if you listened.
    Jenna sat stick-straight. “Oh, I'm not afraid of her. Our mothers were boarding school roommates. I've known her my whole life. That's the problem. She thinks it's her job to help me fit in here. Which would be fine, if we were anything alike. Our life goals don't exactly mesh.”
    “Not on the 'marry-a-rich-boy' track?” he said with a smirk.
    Jenna laughed. “No. Nor the cheerleader track. What about you? Who are you hiding from?”
    He sighed. “The football team.”
    Jenna's eyebrows shot past her choppy bangs. The guy had to be 6'3" and stacked. Broad shoulders, muscular. He was beautiful, really, and looked like he could easily take the football team.
    “Why would you need to hide from them? I bet you could kick half their asses.”
    He chuckled. “Thanks. And one-on-one, you're probably right. But as a collective, I don't have a chance.”
    “Why would the entire football team be after you? Did you do something to one of them?”
    “Not exactly. There's a guy on the team who doesn't really play for the team, if you know what I mean. He knows that I know and he's afraid I'll expose him, so he had his buddies harass me.”
    “And you know because your gaydar is pretty sharp?”
    He laughed. “How did you know?”
    She relaxed her posture automatically, now that she knew he wasn't hitting on her. “Deductive reasoning. Your voice, the fact that you've been harassed by someone in the closet, and because you're the best dressed guy I've seen at this school. Since it's full of Hollywood families, that's saying a lot.”
    “Well, fashion is my passion. And yes, you're right. I like men. Not boys. Boys are pathetic. I'm saving myself for a real man.”
    “Amen to that!” she agreed.
    “So, if you're not vying for head cheerleader or in a rush to snag David Solomon, like all the rest of the girls at this school, what are your plans?”
    “First of all, even if I was looking to score a hot, rich guy, I'd ignore David Solomon. He put superglue in my hair when I was seven and I had to have my hair chopped to remove it. I don't forget stuff like that, even if he wasn't a douchebag now. Second of all, I'm planning to use my brain. I can't stand the idea of sitting on charitable committees for the rest of my life. And I might look like I should be a cheerleader, but trust me, I'm too snarky for that, even if I was capable of doing a back handspring without falling on my head.”
    He laughed heartily. “You're hilarious. What's your name?”
    “Jenna Ackerman. What's yours?”
    “Chris Pilling,” he said, offering his hand. When she took it, instead of shaking, he kissed it. “Charmed, I'm sure. Well, Miss Jenna, what do you say to commiserating in this little corner together?”
    “Hard up for friends?” she teased. She liked him. He seemed like a cool guy.
    He chuckled again. “To the point. I like you. I'm pretty new here, too. I could use an ally. Theresa isn't likely to bother you if you've got a friend, right? And if I'm hanging out with a sexy girl, then maybe these fools will think I'm straight and leave me alone. Or at least they'll think I'm trying to pretend to be straight. If they stop bothering me, I don't care which it is.”
    Jenna blushed when he said she was sexy. “Uh, sure.”
    “Well, don't fall all over yourself.”
    She shook her head. “Sorry. I'm not used to being called sexy.”
    “You're joking, right? Honey, I think you're hot and I'm gay. You've got a perfect body, great boobs, silky hair, pretty eyes. I bet if I looked, you'd have a fabulous ass. Stand up and show me.”
    Jenna's eyes grew wide. “What? No!”
    “Oh, just do it. As if I'm ogling you.”
    She had no idea why, but she acquiesced, stood and turned so he could see her butt.
    “Uh huh. Just
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