Only Mr. Darcy Will Do

Only Mr. Darcy Will Do Read Online Free PDF

Book: Only Mr. Darcy Will Do Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kara Louise
escorted her into the drawing room where the Willstones and Miss Matthews were gathered. The younger of the ladies, dressed in a fashionable gown and standing slightly taller than Elizabeth, rose and opened her arms for her niece.
    “Emily! I am so delighted to see you! My how you are grown!”
    “Do you have a surprise for me?”
    “Watch your manners, Emily,” Elizabeth whispered.
    Miss Matthews looked to Elizabeth with a friendly smile. “You must be Miss Bennet.”
    Mrs. Willstone brought her hands together in delight. “Miss Bennet, may I introduce you to my sister, Rosalyn Matthews? And Rosalyn, this is Elizabeth Bennet.”
    “I have heard much about you through Lorraine’s letters, Miss Bennet. She writes that you are doing a wonderful job.”
    “And I have heard much about you from your sister’s very own words. It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Miss Matthews.”
    Rosalyn looked down at Emily with a conspiratorial look. “And if you heard anything from Emily, you know that I always bring her something.”
    “Did you? Did you?” Emily squealed and jumped with excitement.
    “Well, let me look in my bag here and see if there is anything you might like.” Rosalyn’s light blue eyes twinkled.
    Emily clasped her hands together with a burst of anticipation as she anxiously watched her aunt look down into her handbag. “Now, let me see. Do you suppose this could be for you?” She slowly pulled out a lacy embroidered handkerchief.
    “Noooo,” the little girl laughed.
    Elizabeth smiled as she came to suspect that this was the manner in which this always passed between the two.
    “Oh, here is something you might enjoy,” Miss Matthews whispered, glancing up at the young girl. She pulled out a small, leather-bound book. “Would this be it?”
    “Noooo!” Emily cried, standing on her tiptoes trying to look into her aunt’s bag herself.
    “Hmmm,” Miss Matthews continued. She began to pull something out of the bag and peered closely at it. “No, I do not think this could be it.”
    “What is it?” asked Emily, barely able to control her countenance.
    “Just a little doll… but no, this could not be it.” Miss Matthews looked over to her niece, a grin teasing the corners of her mouth.
    “Yes! I am sure that is it!” Emily reached out her small arms, palms upright, eager to see it.
    Miss Matthews slowly pulled the doll out of the bag and put it in Emily’s hands. The girl laughed with unrestrained glee. “How beautiful she is!” the young girl exclaimed. “Does she have a name?”
    “I thought you might choose a name for her.”
    “I shall call her… ummmm…” She tapped her fingers against her lips. “Elizabeth! I shall name her Elizabeth. May I go play with her?”
    “Certainly,” Miss Matthews said, “if it is agreeable to your mother and Miss Bennet.”
    The little girl looked at her mother and then at Elizabeth, who each gave her an assenting nod.
    Emily proudly carried her new doll off to the corner of the room, and Elizabeth began to follow.
    “No, Miss Bennet, please join us,” Miss Matthews reached out her arm. “I should like to become better acquainted with you.”
    Elizabeth sat down, eager to get to know Miss Matthews a little better as well. Elizabeth liked her friendly smile and welcoming demeanour. She was a little taller than Elizabeth, fairer in complexion and hair, and fashionably graceful in her movements.
    “Miss Bennet, that is quite a tribute for you to have Emily name her doll after you.”
    “She has named every doll she has ever owned after someone special in her life!”
    “Well, I must admit I consider her very special as well!”
    The three ladies visited as Emily entertained herself with her new doll. Elizabeth liked Rosalyn. She carried herself well but without any trace of hauteur or condescension. She appeared to be well educated and well read. The two soon found themselves in a spirited discussion comparing the
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