Only Forever
huddle over a discussion they obviously don’t want us to be part of. I exhale hard, out of frustration more than exhaustion, then turn toward Ryan. We haven’t spoken, other than the necessary conversation points.
    I rock back on my heels. “So, a cop, huh?”
    He nods. “Always the plan.”
    I nod too. “Right.”
    Ryan shifts then runs his hands through his hair. Slowly, he shakes his head. “I didn’t know this crap.”
    Bet not. “Seems like if that girl keeps a secret, she does it well.”
    Ryan breaks his scowl with a harsh laugh. “Yeah, maybe.” His eyes jump past me, and the girls’ voices enter the room before they do.
    They walk in, Emma in jeans and a T-shirt. She’s wiped the streaks of makeup off her face, but her red eyes are still puffy. Her smile has resurfaced though. It’s more confident than I would’ve expected. I don’t know why I expect her to still be shaken. I should have remembered that Emma’s a fighter. She’s resilient.
    “Alright.” Jared stands and walks her way. “You met Brock.” He gestures with his head toward the Delta team leader. “I’m Jared Westin. I want to know what you know. Let’s chat.”
    The man has an edge that shows the world he’d kill first and ask questions later. But in that grumbling request to talk, there’s something about the way he asks that implies that she should trust him.
    Emma nods, and Jared looks to me as though seeking my permission. Fuck if I know why. He hasn’t said more than five words to me. There’s no way I have this job, so why does he care? But I nod.
    Sarah wanders over to us as Emma joins them on the other side of the room. I glance around. Not a damn good thing has ever come out of these places. I hate them. Just when my molars are grinding again, Sarah squares up to me.
    “Hey, we need to talk.” This little girl half my size and weight has her hands on her hips, and she’s scowling at me as if I were the one with a secret stripper job.
    My eyebrow rises. “About?”
    “You. Buddy.”
    Christ. Over Sarah’s shoulder I catch a glimpse of Ryan fighting a laughing smile. Shit. I paint on a smile and get ready for whatever comes my way. “Alright, sweetheart. I’m game to talk.”
    “Oh, no way, Mister Back In the Picture. I’m immune to the looks-and-charms thing you have going on, and I’m crazy happy for Emma and—” She catches herself, momentarily slowing her lecture-slash-ass-chewing.
    “Cally,” I volunteer.
    Her eyes narrow. “I’m crazy happy for them, but if you hurt her, I’ll find a way to destroy you.”
    Part of me would rather defend myself to her, but I get it. Actually, I’m glad Emma has a girl like Sarah at her back. “If I hurt her, you won’t have to bother. Those girls are my world.”
    “I won’t let her get burned twice.”
    Ryan walks over, watching Sarah. “Easy, killer.”
    That defense is unexpected, but he seems to know how to disarm her. She takes a step back even though the expression on her face says she’d rather take a step toward him. Then her finger bobs from one of us to the other. “If either of you gives her hell for this, I’ll put you in the ground.”
    Ryan rolls his lips together. “Got it, gangsta.” Then he adds a sincere smile. “No one plans to jump on her case.”
    Alright. Okay. Emma’s brother will keep his cool, and I’ll find a way to handle my own feelings about finding my girl here. I release tension I didn’t even realize I was holding. After seeing how Ryan reacted to my homecoming, I had no idea how he would deal with this. My wager would’ve been on not well , so his admission to Sarah is a shocker.
    “And the two of you.” Her finger bobs back and forth between Ryan and me again. “If you act like assholes to each other, it will hurt her. Then I’ll have to find a way to take out both of you, and really, I’m not cut out for this dropping-bodies stuff.”
    I have to bite my lip. I have no idea if this girl is for real or
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