One Word From You: A Pride and Prejudice Adaptation

One Word From You: A Pride and Prejudice Adaptation Read Online Free PDF

Book: One Word From You: A Pride and Prejudice Adaptation Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Penna
using it to find my way. But what choice did I have? I pulled my hood up over my head, and took off at a jog towards the lake. The glass was slippery, but so long as I kept moving I managed to stay upright. After a few minutes, my clothes were sticking to my skin. I hated to think what kind of condition I might find the others in.
    The school lake was used for P.E lessons, mostly. It was where we learnt how to row boats, and had little races when the weather was nicer. I know, it really was a school for rich brats. Most places would just make the kids swim in there. Instead, we had a nice Olympic size pool for that kind of thing.
    There were a few old trees which had been on the grounds since before the school was built, and a little jetty where the boats could be moored during lessons. The rest of the time, they were kept in the boat house. I tried there first, but found it locked. No one was going to be inside, so I didn’t spend much time on it. I turned around, pondering on where to run to next, when I walked straight into someone’s chest.
    “ Beth!”
    “ Charlie?” I asked, and rubbed my sleeve over my eyes to improve my vision, “What are you doing out here?”
    “ I got a call from Chantelle,” he explained, “What about you?”
    “ Jenny went out with her, but she didn’t come back. I thought I should look for her.”
    “ You’re soaked!”
    “ So are you,” I pointed out, “You go that way, and I’ll look around by the outbuildings, okay?”
    He nodded, and left me to my own devices. If I’d known that Chantelle was going to send for help, then I wouldn’t have bothered. Okay, so that wasn’t true. I didn’t like to leave my friend’s fates to anyone else. They were my sisters, and we had to look out for each other.
    I found a few of them huddled under the shelter the edge of the supply shed’s roof offered. I shone the torch light at them, “There you are!”
    “ What are you doing out here?” Chantelle asked bitterly, “I sent for my brother.”
    “ He’s looking, too. Where’s Jenny?” I asked.
    “ She said she was going to go back before us, and then we got stuck in this downpour.”
    “ What, so she’s not with you?”
    “ Obviously not! Where’s Charlie?” Chantelle spat.
    “ I’ll send him, don’t be such a bitch!”
    As it happened, I didn’t have to go far to catch up with him. The urgency I felt to find Jenny might have been shared by him if he knew that she’d gone off alone. But his first duty ought to have been to his sister, particularly given she was the one to call him out in the first place. I caught up to him further around the lake, and staggered against his back rather than calling out to him. Charlie turned, and caught my shoulders to steady me.
    “ I found them - well - most of them,” I explained, “Around by the sheds. Take them back, I have to keep looking.”
    “ Who’s missing?”
    I swallowed hard, “Jenny. They said she went back early. She might be at the dorms already. When you go back, can you check?”
    “ Give me your number, I’ll call you if I find her there. If not, I’ll come back out to help you look.”
    The exchange was handled swiftly, and we parted company again. I’d cut across the turf to get to the lake, but Jenny was sensible, and would have stuck to the paths even if it meant a longer route. My clothes were heavy with the rain, but I didn’t let it slow me down. Although I was freezing, and probably would catch a cold, it was nothing to how she’d feel if she spent any longer out in such disgusting weather.
    It was unfortunate, then, that they had a habit of winding all over the bloody place around the grounds. I really wanted to believe that she had made it back, and for some reason just hadn’t seen fit to return to the room. She might have gone for a shower first, and now be back in the room wondering where I was. But
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